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Everything posted by brattierlama8

  1. I got so much hate when I was a Vigi. Everyone hates them! Much more fun to be a rebel anyway!
  2. Whenever I have a ghile and an Mk18 people tend to stay away. I dont blame them!
  3. Ok one more thing and I will leave you nice people alone. I don't know for sure, but the Olympus community doesn't seem extremely large. Wouldn't the people who run the servers and such want the community to grow? Being in a position such as APD would encourage people to continue playing and they would most likely contribute to the community more with posts and such. Wouldn't it? Also say you're 15. You will never get the chance to be an APD basically. By that time there will probably be like an Arma 4 or something! And if a younger player is a bad APD why not just strip him of being an APD? That is all thank you for your time
  4. Well I'm not exactly asking to be in I just wanted an interview before I was told no. Also how does one become a "prominent member of the community"? Those are the people who have family members who are APD or run the servers probably. Also I don't mind being the lowest rank I just wanted something to do other than get rdmd everytime I play the game.
  5. I'm just generally curious about the age restriction. What is the difference between a person who is 16 and wants to be an APD member and a younger person, say a year younger? I recently submitted an APD request and was denied. I understand the age restriction but at least evaluate someone and then decide right? Surely you shouldn't just say your not 16 bye.
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