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Everything posted by GaryTheSnail

  1. I feel like taking a very long vacation somewhere very far away from Arma. Peter Long encouraged this decision very much; he said I deserved to treat myself to it. I asked Peter is he was very sure that I deserved such an honor; he insisted. I don't feel like I have much of a choice, but I guess I'll take my very long vacation so this is my farewell to all you very nice people, specifically Immunity, the most respectable gang on the server. I'll be very content playing ROBLOX, Club Penguin, and Bloon Tower Defense. I'll have to admit, the administration here is as good as my Elementary School where I got a referral for using the monkey bars at recess. Gotta hand it to Peter though, those "40 hours shifts" must really be tough, ya know? Fetching the clip board and paperwork for the real medical professionals is really rough. I have so much respect for your profession; you're really saving lives. ^^^ I appreciate all the love and support from my fellow gamers who enjoy playing on Arma. Sadly, I must go because my private plane is waiting for me and I must crush pussy in my Igloo. Goodbye! ' ' ' ' Vacation reason: Talking about duping/encouraging others to dupe (that's "Exploiting" apparently) Be careful out there, maybe there are some more hidden rules out there that have yet to be discovered.
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