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Everything posted by Rufus

  1. Gay ass lil nigga come gimme a kiss
  2. If I’m still here at 20 fucking kill me
  3. @ proud fuckin gay cunt, you talk about dick a lot so why don’t you suck my cock and I’ll tell you if I like it
  4. @ proud Haha you just got fuckin ladged
  5. No name, no blame.
  6. Can't wait to break some jaws at OlympusCon 2024
  7. This thread is now an APD forum tag free zone
  8. You only find out about these changes after you're banned, too.
  9. Suck my cock pal
  10. You should also be able to use a vest for as long as your gang is in restraints. The amount of times the weeb cunts in APD have reported me for turning APD HQ into 1945 Hiroshima 6 minutes after we last engaged is not good. If your boys are in restraints, initiation continues until they're jailed or released.
  11. @ -Shawn-  Unban Chair Sniffer you baldy idiot

  12. Rufus

    Follow God

    Straight to hell for you buddy
  13. i am with god multiplied my years now around 96 years in ten the government is picking up all these new recordings aout me and jeseus as i went to the cross for a sin a member of the church got me to commit under government servalience because of this sin as jeseus was to with me i need more witnesses as i was set up as a child and am still that child this ol body does not belong to me but belongs to the sinners i witness kc flash from the stars with lusifer tieing my mom up and dragging her through the fields punishing me night and day for thinking about a women the cops broke my legs breaking gods legs and wagging war in heven i ve sounded alarms all across the world after being used in the most violent move of the sun that is causing these mega storms as i was torcherd night and day never revealing this as i internalize my trama
  14. I'm also experimenting with low dose Psilocybin and Ketamine prior to working out as it is proven to improve focus and motivation in lab settings during the animal testing phase but it's too soon to gauge the results. I'll keep you all in the loop. I can share the papers if any one else would like to potentially trial this with me.
  15. How many days are you guys working out each week? How do you split the muscle groups? any niche exercises that you've found have a profound impact on results? Also, what supplements are you all using - both conventional (creatine, protein etc) and non-conventional (steroids etc)? For reference, I've currently just finished my 4th cycle and I've noticed that my results are starting to plateau. My last cycle of 8 weeks consisted of: 150mg of Test Propionate (Every other day) 100mg of Tren Ace (Every other day) 50mg of Winstrol (Daily) It was the first time I've introduced Winstrol into the cycle after previous lackluster results but again I didn't get what I was expecting. Sharing knowledge can help us all improve, achieve our goals and ultimately lead healthier lives.
  16. So if I'm blocked in with no other obvious form of escape, I can ram fuck out of shit and blow it up?
  17. And you're notorious for your actions around children bud No offence, I'm just being honest, but you're the single most creepy person I've ever come across and Oly and I met that pedophile guy from VX.
  18. Wait, Is @ Milo the kid who failed his flight test and cried to us in medic channel and tried to twist some story to get the supervisor who failed him removed? I felt bad for him, kid was hyperventilating and ringing the crisis helpline because he plowed his helicopter into the floor on a flight test POV: Milo's flight test The thing is, everyone uses the word "Ram". This isn't a ram, this is VDM/RVD. Any one can ram people but if you blow them up, you're liable for comp (Free @ Rufus ). If Cops block Fed gates with Hunters to stop people escaping, you can't ram and blow them up or you'll get fucked (again, free @ Rufus ). This isn't a question of if APD are allowed to ram vehicles - that's obvious; the question is, why are the APD allowed to RVD/VDM people/vehicles so that they're better able to follow the APD handbook. That suggests the APD handbook supersedes server rules and as we've established from Staff/sAPD, that isn't the case. There are lots of harebrained, unwritten rules that the perma-fried sAPD cook up after hitting the pipe that are just accepted as fact yet aren't written anywhere. Ask the question in the sAPD Snapchat group and let me know bud
  19. No offence bud but I don’t care what you have to say but just to shine some light on the situation, I ram all APD helicopters I see rotor-tapped
  20. Ramming doesn’t equal VDM/RVD. You’re allowed to ram/pit manoeuvre vehicles as a civ, too. But if they blow up, you’re liable to comp. If cops are allowed to RVD/VDM so that they’re not in breach of the APD handbook by not responding in a timely manner, you suggest the handbook comes above server rules. I’d understand in a situation where there is literally no other options, then yeah, I get it. But cops will happily call HQ clear during a fed to send people to jail - why not do the same to impound. Why not slim-jim keys and push/move it. When APD block Fed gates with Hunters etc and civs ram them and they blow up, they demand comp or you’ll be banned and because of the incestuous nature of sAPD/Staff, it’ll be enforced (Ask me how I know) - same situation, no?
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