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Everything posted by McGuire

  1. If the staff have time to play the game in a gang they have time to fill out a report that takes literally 5 minutes. Also you need to remember Staff are people too. Just because they get appointed to a staff position doesn't mean they become emotionless and un biased. This is un realistic thinking that mods are going to be unbiased when you shit on them and chop their stuff. You expect them to be perfect so you take their word but I've literally seen abuse twice in the last 2 and a half to 3 weeks. no specific names but It's happened. I think admins and mods should be able to play in gangs and have fun too but at least make them fill out a report like EVERY OTHER FUCKING PLAYER. So an unbiased admin can be the judge. Giving someone power to do whatever they want in the real world is called dictatorship. Are yall Nazi's or do you believe in fair and good? Also some of these mods are 20 year olds. I know I wasn't the wisest and most fair person at 20 years old either. 5 minutes for a report is literally all I ask. Un biased is fairness.
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