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Everything posted by Gunhand

  1. Thank you. I must be doing it right to get this level of hate.
  2. Being a good Bounty Hunter (Vigilante) is more of a science or art form than simply saying "Hands up or be Tased." Most people see Bounty Hunters as bad because people in Kavala can't run around and shoot each other without the possibility of being arrested. Let's go into some of the ingredients of what I think makes a good Bounty Hunter. 1. Patience: The situation is ever changing take your time. Running straight at them yelling about how your going to take them doesn't always or often work. 2. Flexibility: if your Modus Operendi isn't working really look at your strategies and reassess them. Small tweaks can make a huge difference. 3. Initiative: seize the initiative. Have them reacting to you not the other way around. 4. Be friendly: often folks will give themselves up without a fight if you build a rapport with them. 5. Work together: fellow Bounty Hunters are often looking for help. Make a group and start getting things done. 6. Be respectful: being opposing forces doesn't mean you can respect your quarry this is a game of cat and mouse, chess, or any other that pits two or more forces against each other. You won't always win and neither will they. 7. Murphy's Law: what can go wrong will, everything takes longer than you think, and nothing is ever easy. 8. Have a plan: a bad plan executed well is better than no plan at all. 9. Always be prepared: the boy scout motto. Carry the gear you need. 10. Assumptions get you killed. Assuming the guy sitting alone in kavala is an easy mark is just time you will be waiting on a medic. 11. Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are folks out there willing to show you and help you utilize it. 12. Be unpredictable. Habits can get you killed. 13. Stay within the rules. Your a Bounty Hunter. People aren't going to like you, so expect if they get footage on you it's going in a report. 14. Go where the money is: people are going to criticize you staying in towns a lot. Your making money do what's in your best interests. 15. Have fun: this is a difficult role, but can be highly rewarding. Have fun out there this isn't for everyone. If you are needing any other tips or would like to talk strategy, stories, etc. Feel free to message me.
  3. Well my real life is pretty full. Good job, married, kids, my own home. I'm sure not complaining. I figure I will put in a little effort. If nothing changes I can always say I tried.
  4. Ok yall I think I might consider trying to attempt to make some positive changes in a few of the areas of Olympus. Now historically this has been met with alot of negative bs from the community. If yall think I should knuckle down and push for civ council and a leadership position or two I might go for it. Any constructive thoughts out there in the ether?
  5. Gunhand

    New Merch

    Teespring link
  6. Gunhand

    New Merch

    The new merch has dropped if you are looking for the teetering link. It can be found on my twitch page.
  7. Gunhand

    New Merch

    My twitch is www.twitch.tv/pr43torian I don't want to give it away but obviously one is 7.62 top of rocks the others yall can figure out. If you were banned in chat and you feel that I should give you a second chance pm me your twitch and as long as your not acting stupid I am willing to give you a second try
  8. Gunhand

    New Merch

    Unless it's you or it's really annoying sure.
  9. Gunhand

    New Merch

    Due to overwhelming demand. I will be putting out a line of merch. Dedicated to your favorite Gunhand one liners. More information to come out soon.
  10. Well that was really about streaming this is playing on Olympus all together.
  11. Server hasn't changed in fact it seems to have gotten worse. I am out.
  12. Horizon I unbanned you. Play nice now. If your in my channel my mods can be bulldog's. They tend to swing the hammer. If folks get banned ita rare I unban them.
  13. Ok well I have decided to change my mind about this. I really appreciate folks asking me to continue. I will continue to stream but this will be conditional. Stream Sniping, Toxicity on my stream, and things done in a mean spirited way to make a fool of me will not be tolerated. If this kind of conduct continues then I will just go with the original plan of not streaming olympus. I will do what I have to do on my end to prevent as much as I can, but I really hope folks can grow up a little.
  14. Honestly thanks to those of you who have enjoyed my content, but it's really not worth it. I play games because I enjoy them. I am an old school gamer. Getting screwed with makes it not fun. I understand you will get that in game, and I am ok with that, but once it goes past that it becomes something that takes away from the enjoyment of the game, and that is why this decision has been made.
  15. Due to the actions of a lot of folks, from stream sniping, cutting clips in a way to give a poor impression about me, and all the other childish actions of folks in this community. As of now I will no longer stream on Olympus. If you would like to see my content feel free to stop by and watch the other games I play. If not I understand, and if you were just trolling. Hell most of you were...I guess you can obsess about someone else. Later gator.
  16. I am looking for someone/someones to help me build a custom overlay set. I am willing to pay either in game or possibly currency. If you are interested please send me a private message. Thanks, -Gunhand
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