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About Boovin

  • Birthday 05/12/2002

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  1. why do Americans finish conversations with mhmm instead of a normal polite response like the rest of the world? your parents, peers and education system have failed you all in the most spectacular fashion

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Toretto


      Tbh I think the reason people say mhmm after you say something is a younger generation thing. Baby boomers normally say "you're welcome." Baby boomers are people between like ages 60-80 right now.

    3. Diamond Drop
    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Why do scot's conclude conversations with "salkdlkaskljd skjlkasjdla sskdlkj onna dais ksajdlakjsdlsk skjskd."

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