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stinkybarbecue8 last won the day on April 2 2021

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  1. damn you can gyazo something from a VOD XDXDXDXD where ur ugly ass at?
  2. Ur shits linked @ CRH absolute ape XD. shit at CS and shit at Arma absolute classic.
  3. You kids got shit on. hope you all enjoyed the 15 min in jail, you guys jerk each other off while in jail??
  4. robbing players doing a run in a box truck is a lot different than hands up or dying a naked in square for no reason lmao. turn ur fucking brain on ffs.
  5. I don't understand how they get their bans lifted either like. sush why are you talking about people who don't know how to play when you don't even know how to play.
  6. yea but sadly some people get salty and can say comp or ban and submit on you leading to a ban.
  7. @Ryan
  8. Like may as well make it official in saying its just a general KOS zone for everyone, because there have been way to many times where I thought a civ was a cop and killed him ended up having to comp him money. having it not a civ on civ KOS zone puts the cops at a huge advantage becuase they know they can kill anyone that's interfering so its basically a KOS for them but civs have to be careful not to shoot each other or its rdm. personally I kill everyone I see there and will comp later because I am not taking the chance to get a name because if it is a cop he is just gonna shoot me.
  9. trust me you are definitely not he most hated on Oly. Pure PK is not a very likeable person but you two can argue with each other in DM's...
  10. get laid retard, come back on arma when you get your parents permission.
  11. maybe its because I don't have 20k hours on Arma 3 and because I didn't drop out of high school to play a fucking video game. This shit is literally your life.
  12. I knew u were illiterate, but I think it would be good practice for you to at least try to read the rest c'mon.
  13. It is related to me literally, so don't talk.
  14. wait, but who asked you??
  15. https://gyazo.com/86e97c8aef8f144791dac05c1b78cddf https://gyazo.com/f0e5722e4439b5646e73e00531ffadf4 https://gyazo.com/d94aefc58613e1b0951b5d6e78de6ced I'm just gonna leave those there... funny how silla talks shit when literally a dep solo shits on their entire gang during a pharma XD any thing to say @lvy @Tammy?? nice aim btw tammy LMAOOOOOO
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