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Everything posted by JasonfromEarth

  1. Yeah I have a feeling I'll eventually have to sell my WPL and go rebel. But I want to put that off as long as possible. I'm probably gonna go Civ -> Medic -> Rebel as a last resort if I get bored of Medic'ing.
  2. I've been playing off an on for a few days now. I stuck it out on Olympus and it's gotten better. Thanks everyone for the offers of escorts. I didn't rage quit afterall. I broke a million bucks a few days ago doing copper/iron/diamond runs in a SUV with an upgraded storage. I'm probably going to buy a box truck and so some more of the same runs. I'm just a little concerned about how obvious it will be. In a SUV it's not quite as obvious what i'm doing and I can get around pretty fast. I bought a WPL and the 5.56 Assault rifle (forget the name). I haven't had to use it yet (thankfully) but I have a feeling it might become a necessity if I start driving a slow, obvious, box truck instead. Not sure what else to spend the money on. Maybe a house? I hear they're a million or higher. I had a guy try to recruit me into a gang when I was in Town but I said no thanks as I was focusing on legal money-making and I had a WPL. I think eventually I'm going to get bored. When that happens I'll probably try out medic since I have the money now to afford a medic-specific vehicle. Thanks again for everyone help. I'll keep posting here as I play.
  3. Welp it seems the problem isn't just Olympus. I've tried 3-4 other servers now. They all seem to be toxic. Killing newbs on 4wheelers with no voice warning all in order to rob you for $0. Edit: FYI my replies are slow because: Your content will need to be approved by a moderator
  4. I just edited my Post @Augustus for clarity. But yeah, I didn't make it ANYWHERE NEAR diamonds. I was halfway, roughly, between Kavala and the diamond mine in the far east. Any recommendation on finding server's that are Less "PvP|Corpse Camping|My name is DickMcWeed|Rebel|Terrorist|Asshole" and more Roleplay NOT "Hi, I'm a mass murderer. Hands up-- DEAD" friendly?
  5. Welp I think I'm done. I just wasted 65k and was being corpse/revive camped. After a 50k start from [BT] Matt I was able to build up 400k from copper mining around Kavala. I decided to step it up and try Diamond mining. I bought the license, hopped in my car, and headed east. I made it about 2/3 there and 3 guys with Semi-auto rifles in a car rammed me and killed me when I tried to flee. It wasn't a RDM so I took it. But it was 3v1 which is never fun. I got a revive from a medic, ran to the nearest gas station to buy a repair kit. I was in the store inventory when I heard hands up. I went to close the inventory and he killed me. BARELY 5 seconds. Dead. I called a medic and while waiting I saw some guy in a gimp suit (ghille I know. But he's an asshole so I'm calling it gimp) running around shooting at the medic to keep him from reviving me. Took me a good ~10 mins to get a revive. I stepped out the door and started running, I heard someone say SOMETHING and dead. Called the medic back, got another revive, and hauled ass. I made it back to my car, repaired it, and returned to Kaval. I went from ~400k to 266k from deaths (10k a pop per revive) and wasted 35k on a diamond license I can't use without, APPARENTLY, being a crimial and using illegial weapons. I gave 150k back to [BT] Matt, thanked him, and logged off. Edit: I tried Server 2 a while later but found out you lose all your items when you transfer? I had my ~100k in the bank but that was it. I couldn't get my car out of the garage because some asshole left his 4wheeler on it. I asked the cops to move it since they are permitted to impound vehicles that are blocking traffic. After ~15 mins of waiting I logged off.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I browsed the rules yesterday but I will give them a more thorough read tonight. I have no desire to break the law. So far I've been a law-abiding citizen and have no plans to change that. I've been in a few fender benders. Some guy in a huge truck at night ran me over. I had my headlights on, he did not, and he was driving on the wrong side of the road (or atleast the wrong side of the road from where I was born). He ran me over, pushed me out of the way, and kept going. I didn't call the cops because I wasn't sure if there's anything they could do. There some some damage to my vehicle but I survived. I think I might stay off the highway for now.
  7. Hey guys, Just started yesterday after buying Arma 3 on sale. I only played for a few hours as a Civilian but I really enjoyed it. I'll probably be buying the DLC today since it's in sale too. The chat has been fairly helpful with what I'm guessing is a huge influx of noobs like me. I do have a question I didn't think to ask yesterday. Is there a way to not draw your weapon when you exit your vehicle?
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