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Everything posted by seth

  1. happy birthday you cute aussie cunt 

  2. WTS DP25 4 Crater fully upgraded w/ 400 shine in inventory. https://gyazo.com/94192ab95519cda13c30e6a38bbe7cce Throw out offers.
  3. Sell me the 577 moonskies
  4. http://twitch.tv/sethtv
  5. No real way to "Fix" the problem, all they can do is just temporarily stop it. There always will be hackers, no real way to stop them. Just know the Staff is working constantly to try to help it as much as they can, all they can really do.
  6. Pref 4 crater, but 3 will also do
  7. Gonna miss you buddy, I hope everything works out for you in the end <3
  8. So sad. Can we get a +1 in the chat for Malden. Gone too soon. </3
  9. i been ok, come back pls
  10. father, i miss u
  11. ay if you a career vigi, fuck you
  12. Who else is watching Live PD while hooked up to hospital grade morphine?
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