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Everything posted by Ultra

  1. This is the part they keep ignoring, In 2017 every real cyber bossiness, corporation and government uses a VPN. A many home users for security. I use mine for my business, and now i'm being told my Mercury that its too bad stop using it or be banned
  2. That's very disappointing, my VPN is router based and is basic internet security in 2017, you already have others ways of controlling griefing
  3. So i got this when trying to get on the server " Kicked off the game. (battlEye:admin Kick (Banned.)) " I put a ban appeal in and go this is the response "This is an automated ban that detects if a player is using a VPN and will ban them automatically, please review the following; If you are using a VPN, you will need to disable or get rid of the VPN in order to be unbanned and notify the Olympus staff that you have done so. Please keep in mind that the system automatically detects if a VPN is being used so if you notified staff that it is removed, yet you did not do so and we lift it, the system will ban you once you have logged in." REALLY, if you are a VPN user you can't play on Olympus now with the new update!?
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