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Everything posted by JuggOrNot

  1. Your still on about this? XD
  2. explain how this is satire "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  3. Your an un-american antifa loving dike that voted for joe biden "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  4. A jokes not funny if you have to explain it "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  5. nah just watching their screenshare with your twitter up on my second monitor "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  6. focus up your losing your salt runs rn "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - S
  7. Tf are you talking about MY notice that shit pops up to anyone that has the link. And I had noble tell me he has my IP like its a threat or something so dont talk about putting community members at risk all this admin abuse is wild check you private message
  8. Because its hear-say there is no proof other than me sending someone an invite to a server so again "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  9. I ain't apologizing for something i didn't do "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  10. I made my case and was called a liar so again "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  11. nah I'm good I'm done tryna prove my innocence the server is dying anyways "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  12. "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  13. "Sure the 9/11 hijackers were bad, but that doesn't excuse the hate group that fought to take the plane back! #antifa #fucknazis" - Sov
  14. @ -Shawn- said she dont care
  15. calls me retarded but tweets something like that online and keeps it there
  16. Satire? its such a twisted tweet you are actively trying to explain yourself. and whats with the #antifa you stand with the people who burned our cites down and hurt/killed innocent people for their "message" your sick and unamerican.
  17. @ Noble why are you deleting this? its a perfectly sane thing to say by a perfectly sane thing/it
  18. IF ITS 100% ME SHOW ME THE HARD PROOF THE E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E NOT HE SAID SHE SAID HES A LIAR BECAUSE HE CALLED HER A LIAR bruh all you have to do is type in the name you provided on that copyright claim on that stream then the location you provided on your steam page and every single thing about you pops up on the internet. Maybe get better at hiding your identity and don't post weird shit on the internet?
  19. Again the only negative thing thrown my way is "your throwing a tantrum" "your a liar" there is zero hard proof of wrongdoing on my part, other than me sending an invite to a discord server XD Your accusing me of what someone else did the hypocrisy is wild
  20. And what am I doing that you have yet to do? you did the same shit to @ proud so why am I guilty and your not? you showing them milkers to the admins or smthin?
  21. Dumbass doxxed herself with this one XD
  22. @ Community Director Sov (Insert deleted photo of the retard posting the origin of the info he claimed to be unaware of)-Noble ;) CARE TO EXPLAIN WHAT THIS MEANS? Disclaimer: Sensitive info blurred this does not classify as "doxxing". Please contact my legal team if you wish to pursue a cease and desist.
  23. There is the counter claim liar liar pants on fire XD
  24. You act like this is the FBI . They have a log of me sending someone an invite to a server, and from that they are claiming its me. They don't have piles of evidence sov.
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