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Markus Omari

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Everything posted by Markus Omari

  1. Jurrasic Park
  2. Aye that's alright, I'm hoping to play cop when the gang isn't on and when they are go fight cartels and such, I'm excited already!
  3. Hello, I've played here on Olympus before (About 20 hours) and I have came back, I used to play Asylum a lot but now I'm looking for a change. I just want to say hi to everyone and I hope I enjoy the server, when I get enough hours in the server I'm going to try join the APD and with more experience maybe join a gang. If anyone can help me with some tips on how to make good money, please comment some! Thank you for reading and I hope to enjoy the server in weeks to come! Also I'm an EU player, do people fight cartels at EU times too? That's one of my main questions
  4. used to be in Bad blood ages ago before they disbanded, also used to be in a small gang called The Raptors which was allied wih Karnage and some other gang briefly but I forgot the name. I used to twke over cartels loads as they're really fun to fight for, and Bad Blood used to do lots of federal reserves and prison breaks too. Hoping to apply for a big gang on here too so I can all of that again
  5. Hi, my names Markus Omari and I'm what as known as a "turf rat" and common "pistol banger" in a town called "Kavala" and I just came over from asylum to olympus. I've had some good shootouts so far which i've enjoyed and i am enjoying the server, however how much is a full rebel kit with katiba worth? and how hard is it to get the money and what is the best way? thank you
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