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Blog Entries posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    Altis Life Development
    10th Anniversary CSAT Pilot Coveralls to Warpoint shop for 15WP Enhanced BW Loot chance Gold sell price increased by 10% Evidence Locker Rework Evidence Locker now has a buy-in fee ($500k) Money is taken directly from the starting player's bank Change Evidence Locker to be an escort-style event  Requires 7 Police to start Players must hold an initial compound for 7.5 minutes, then escort the truck to 3 checkpoints Each checkpoint has a 5 minute timer When active, checkpoints are marked on the map The final checkpoint unseals the truck, allowing the civs to access the loot and disabling the tracker APD win the event by completing a 1.5 minute seize action on the truck Escort vehicle cannot be blown up Escort vehicle follows same server rule as the APD Escort to prevent destruction via explosives Escort vehicle has conquest anti-damage script (indestructible besides tires, fuel, and engine (so pretty much can't be blown up) Checkpoints and the area around the escort are blue zones Escort vehicle is loosely tracked for all players (like escort), but a notification is only sent to the APD If the tempest is destroyed before being unlocked, the loot pool is not reset before the next attempt APD is not required to follow wave rule if the truck is brought into a redzone and can camp the next checkpoint Limitation of 45M before auto-destruction The event remains a federal class event, requiring APD response and sharing timers with fed/bw Staff Events 3 new Team Deathmatch and Infection Maps (replacing Rust, Dome, and Shipment): Shoot house Standoff Firing range Jetpacks Using the jetpack jettisons the player with a large firey boost into the air Players are able to shoot their weapons and interact while in the air Players land with thrusters preventing fall damage while using the jetpack Cop undercover vehicle coloring Undercover vehicles are now colored purple instead of white in the vehicle menu Coloring is entirely skin dependent, allowing differentiating of same class vehicles (Ex. cops are able to tell their undercover hatchbacks apart from their standard) Sad hamster meme horn Milo when xsmitherz tags him in rain posts AICO Scope to APD shops A message to players when medics begin giving dope Players can now transfer between server 3 to 1 with any of the approved map mods loaded Changed:
    Staff Uniform @ Strugglebus Prowler Virtual storage changed from 60 -> 80 Combined the licenses for an illegal drug (aka the 2 for weed becomes 1 weed license) Price will be what 1 license costs now (Ex: Advanced Weed License will have the perks listed below and cost 4,225,000 to purchase) New perks: 15% Increased Processing Speed 5% Increased Drug Sell Price Normal processing bonus gained will not time out like normal (unless the player logs off / server restarts) Deputies still count as 0.5 but if there are x amount of unique officers online x event can still be started 7 Unique officers (or 5.0 "requirement" filled) for Evidence Locker 8 Unique officers (or 7.0 "requirement" filled) for Blackwater Illegal vehicles now display as red instead of orange Fixed:
    APD access to Undercover textures on Ghosthawks/Hunters Adjusted HEMTT Device fuel usage to mirror the Tempest Device Players can no longer unrestrain after being restrained while in the unrestrain action Redgull/Coffee/Cupcake timer overlapping with event timers Medics who are firefighters bringing their gear to events Trunk menu opening when utilizing ranging features on Vehicles Rain HOTFIX #1
    Changed: Map Evidence Locker Checkpoint 1 design layout Added hard peak locations Removed DMT Additional Destroyer has appeared near Pharmaceutical Fixed TDM Maps Cruise control now disengages when a player hits the service pad Service Pad Modshop interface now deletes when a player goes too far Variants of Police vehicles appearing as 'Undercover' Ability to start an Evidence Locker escort while another Federal event is active Fuel cans no longer usable while in a vehicle or in Event Resolving Dispatches in Event Horns notifying max amount achieved due to S1/S3 discrepancies
  2. Ryan
    Been a while since I made one of these, figured it’s time for an update. TLDR if you want to skip the paragraph I was afk for a little and shit stopped. Updates and Gang Wars is after paragraph.
    So to jump straight into this, Olympus has been on a small hold for the last few weeks. After the September/October incidents where I had @Mako as a drill sergeant calling me and making sure I don’t sleep for days to get our servers up and running I decided once things were back to normal to take a small break. Once I came back from my break I was swarmed with shit from both work and school and had no time to dedicate fully to Olympus, so for a few weeks I’ve been a bit afk, hence why you don’t see me on the forums as much. Naturally this made everyone else slow down their pace as well and made it seem like we were in a stand still. Now that my exams are coming to an end I can dedicate time to Olympus once again. Regular activity should be resumed and a lot of stuff will start being pushed.
    Now for the fun part...
    Gang Wars:
    The infamous gang wars we promised to redo again after the last shit show. Yes it’s happening, no we don’t have a date. If you are in the Gang Leaders discord you see that we are making changes to the mission file and making sure we will get the best experience out of a gang wars. We have been working on the mission file for quite some time now, and are coming to finalizations. An estimated time frame for when this will happen would be around Winter break. 
    As we all know S3 was shut down and turned onto an event server. Now that we have finally went through the shut down we can start announcing some events. Majority will involved cartel based events, however that doesn’t mean we won’t be hosting anything else. @everyone Who plan on attending these events I suggest you spIke up your activity, as certain events will have certain requirements, and other events will use your actual live server funds. When announced you will understand 😛 
    Development has been pushed to be back in full effect again. @Zahzi is always on my ass so when we have an afk web dev you can cry to him cause he is “a senior dev” 
    As for everything else, overall you should start seeing us get back to normal. Player pop is at its lowest in a while, I intend to start making changes to fix that. Any suggestions, comments or concerns hmu in PM’s or make a comment on here.
    Thanks for the support lads
  3. Ryan
    Damn we made it to about two months by now? Who would of thought id last, was expecting a new owner by now 
    Jokes aside, im so happy with the overwhelming support Olympus has been getting in these last few months. We have been seeing some OG's  coming back from the shadows a bit, cartels have been slightly more active, and our staff team has been working their ass off to get shit done for all of you, devs and designers especially. Lets get to the juicy shit in this post cause ik you guys hate reading these long ass posts.
    This months update thats coming in sometime this week  is probably one of the biggest we have had in a while. @TheCmdrRex, has been doing his best to make sure we stay consistent on monthly updates, and let me tell you he made sure to deliver on that promise. Shoutout to the MVP @Pledge for contributing a fuck ton development wise this month, and shoutout to the map monkeys @zoomzooooooom & @Mako, they did a MAJOR map overhaul, making a whole lot of changes and even cleaning up the map of useless shit creating more room for mission file space  
    Gang Wars
    Gang wars is right around the corner boys... make sure you submit your rosters and pass the 2 week play time requirement to play! We did announce the prize pool, but that doesn't mean we dont have some stuff in our back pocket for MVP's or even some additional stuff for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners   This Gang Wars is going to hopefully be the biggest one yet, so try to stay on the forums for updates on that.
    If needed you can find the post here:
    FiveM & Minecraft
    FiveM has been in development for months, and last night @Phunky has finally pushed an update with some fixes and requested changes. LSPD got some more stuff in their armory, a bunch of bugs and permissions have been fixed, and we added some new functions such as Cruise Control for vehicles. If possible, please hop on and test everything on that server and let us know of any more bugs or requested changes!
    Minecraft as well has been in development for months, and we are in the final stages of testing. We have already set everything up, and are just figuring out the balance and optimization changes on there. Factions and KitPVP Coming Soon™.
    You can find the FiveM original post here:
    Olympus Tournaments
    Recently I had a few staff and players approach me regarding tournaments outside of gang wars. In response to those requests I will say we are planning on hosting things outside of Arma and Gang Wars. Some staff had planned on having CS:GO Tournaments, while others were planning things for Minecraft. Once we sorted everything out we will be announcing everything for you guys to see, so start getting ready for that
    Our latest dono goal
    So in this months dono goal we promised to include this https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/32364-lol/ as part of the new update. Unfortunately after extensive testing, and alternative ways of trying to implement this into our server we are unable to assign these "E-motes" to our players as Bohemia made it so only NPC's can do it. However we have found other alternatives to these animations, such as  a middle finger animation possibly like this one
    However we arent giving up on the dancing animations... I am speaking with bohemia on the matter and will see how it turns out, so all hope isnt lost  
    As for the other two things I said id make a post on in the donor goal... this post is long enough so im likely going to make a separate one sometime this week.
    As always thank you guys for supporting Olympus, we appreciate all the love (and hate) you guys are giving us! Got some good shit planned, so make sure to check the forums often.
    Also congrats shitter @maxg on support lead
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