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Hunter Jaeger

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Everything posted by Hunter Jaeger

  1. 10 mil is overpriced I would do 4 mil tho.
  2. I will pay 10 mil
  3. Ill pay 25 mil
  4. Lol best setup?????? lawl i used to run out of a house next to there, it honestly is overrated idk why u think 6 crates and a garage is worth that much while you can go get a 3 crater thats a little closer with a garage also for 10 mil, my offer is extremely generous and is mainly paying for the idea of location with all 3 buidling next to each other. If you can get 25 mil then great sell it for 25 mil holy shit its over priced nobody's buying it? how about i just go and say i have an offer lawl...
  5. I will pay 22 million add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198105541849/ Once i sell all my shit i will have the money just tell me and i can go sell it. Im also split buying so just tell me if you will take deal.
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