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Everything posted by YayObamacare

  1. SOLD, all that is left is the meth airfield addon
  2. my house can get you 700m from arms, just load the house up with redgull and you can be there in a minute, pull out a vehicle/cap the cartel.
  3. Just stop using italics. Its cringy
  4. whats so hard about gettin a screenshot lol
  5. House is still for sale, previous deal is off. Min bid is 1 mil
  6. Deal, Im on server 1 right now. name is same as here
  7. Lol 500k for that house is waay too cheap. Im thinking a minimum of 1.5 mil. You can load it up with 9mm weapons and farm warpoints, or just spawn in and cap arms dealer fast if its a low cap
  8. bruh does nobody want this warzone house? i figured this thing would be sold quick
  9. Meth airfield addon, great for people with meth houses used to spawn and pull out a heli right away. Arms dealer 1 crater 800 storage, great for spawning in to cap arms dealer and other cartels. Offer below. https://gyazo.com/72aab03b41b21ff7890314be99d80380 https://gyazo.com/ba5ae7a28c9e92f25465f76b568fe7f
  10. Ill offer 1.8 mil for the rebel house. add me on steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/YayObamacare/
  11. Nahhhhh way to far. Im talking within line of sight of square, around 100m out
  12. My bad fellas I forgot to add server 1. and I would've paid 15mil
  13. title, i want a good house very close to kavala rebel or kavala square. The house must have some view of the square. under 100m is required
  14. is the kavala rebel house still up?
  15. add me on steam fam, Yay Obamacare. I wanna buy some ASPs and war point clothes
  16. PM me on steam, Yay Obamacare. I can make a deal
  17. PM on steam Yay Obamacare
  18. I might be interested, add on steam, Yay Obamacare, or see me on S1
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