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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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proud last won the day on November 21

proud had the most liked content!

About proud

  • Birthday 06/06/2002

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  • Olympus Gang
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    : work or school
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Hero (5/7)



  1. @ -dante- your the best admin by a mile. not saying other staff are bad, your just the best when it comes to decision making and letting people off with warnings/ reduces on bans to ensure they dont do it again. keep doing gods work brotha, the community members that matter love you for it
  2. hardly doxxing? you played under my moms full name kys
  3. ironic considering you doxxed me 3 times for a total of 1 day worth of bans
  4. when in doubt, blame @ -dante- (only joke ily)
  5. @ Sevro happy birthday homie enjoy ya day🙏

  6. @apd firmly grasp this L


  7. proud

    -rep STFU RANDOM

    1. ben-



  8. handsome but rude for downvote 

  9. have never and will never cheat in any steam game
  10. wasn’t a me problem it was an amd problem. y’all gave me a scripting perm knowing damn well i wasn’t cheating ur also stuck in the past about 3+ years
  11. please reread what you just said amd graphics BUG
  12. the amount of people who break rules then cry they didnt when theres evidence is insane

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Excision


      not another funny moments proud my sides still hurt from the last one 🤣

    3. proud
    4. xArian
  14. cops logging as soon as we start bolt cutting so we cant plant bomb is pathetic😭

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      @ proud  probably because us older players remember the good days when Olympus wasn't a knockoff King of the Hill server and we enjoyed playing Altis Life for what it was.

    3. Frato


      @ Tman15tmb Seems like anzus is more up your alley, rp on altis life has been dead since reborn shut down. All the roleplayers moved over to fivem.

    4. Tman15tmb


      @ Frato  Who said I want serious RP? I just like tazing bitches and sending their ass to jail. With Feds that's hardly possible haha

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