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About Breaker

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  1. What are the current max payouts on FED and BANK?
  2. Not sold yet. Farrell is highest so far with 900k over last 850k
  3. so we are at 800k to Farrell
  4. There is no price lol Be the only one if the server that I know about. 265k pretty low. You can not buy them, only get them from higher up cops but they barely use them.
  5. Taking offers for MX taser rifle with grenade launcher with tear gas canisters.
  6. I didn't want sympathy I wanted to vent but I didn't even directly attack the guy who made the decision. Retired Staff calling me a fucking retard like shit. You guys are savage.
  7. I had 8700 warpoints and woah
  8. Well whatever that hacker cheapened the experience and killed my drive to play since you broke ass me and put a 5 day. No more Pastor Phil or Chamillionaire
  9. How was I suppose to know it was hacked? I had been killing it at war and I thought it was just a server bug in the window at best. Needed to be refreshed. Maybe some event I didn't notice. Hell maybe I won a giveaway. Maybe a bug. I mean my respawn window disappears constantly lately leaving me to no option but alt f4. Hackers usually just blow up everybody and go away... if they had kept going up sure I would of instantly known hacker and reported. I thought it was a phantom number and would of reset on restart since it was so close. I just didn't even think it would work when I saw them. Thought my window didn't refresh properly. After I tried the 900 out of 8000 and everybody started talking about how it was a hacker I didn't spend anymore. Kept talking about a roll back. LOL least they didnt empty your accounts along with the 200mil. Why did he give only you 200 mil? Did you know him?
  10. Lol I knew that would be the response. What a joke I already served the Ban. I came back to also find on top of the ban that all my garages and accounts and houses were emptied on top of that. That warning came out after. I was getting a lot of war kids so I was already headed to spend them when I found out I had 8000 extra I spent like an extra 900 cause I was amazed it was happening. Served the ban and they emptied all my accounts. I lose shit to bugs and hackers constantly. I barely take advantage of 1 hacker who doesnt just blow your shit up and they rape my account. Just take the shit back
  11. Wtfffff. I get banned from that Warpoint hacker that you guys let on your server! You guys banned me for 5 days and then took all my money all my choppers and all my cars and all my stuff from houses! Wtf did I put all these hours in for just to have you guys fucking take it cause some hacker comes on? You take all my shit like 6 million in shit I barely spent any of the warpoints and some of the war points were mine. You guys just raped my account because of your own fkin hackers. I know some people who got unbanned and kept like 50 ifrits. Fucking dumb. You couldnt of just gave out of warning? Hey if some hacker gives everybody war points dont spend them report it. That would of worked great. Instead you take all my million dollar choppers. My entire garage and all my money... for a few suppressors you could of just taken back... Thanks for making me feel like I wasted my time on this server
  12. Yes I would like to enter
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