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Everything posted by ChupaGoat

  1. Selling Sofia 4C right infront of garage and square 4M
  2. SOLD
  3. Selling none upgraded two 2Cs and a garage for 4M. LMK
  4. JUST ADDED 2 more 2C within 25m of the garage. GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN OR MESSAGE ME TO SET THEM ASIDE! FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. a total of 3K storage space all with a garage.
  5. I announced a 3C yesterday and the garage for it just opened up. First come first server. LMK garage is up for sale at 2.2M
  6. Selling Abdera 3C, next to the ATM, nice patio, great view. Great for meth and storing. House is up for sell for 3.25M OBO.
  7. Bump. https://imgur.com/W2Y6puu We won't lose the shed because we still meet the minimum in order for this not to happen.
  8. Bump. looking for 25M.
  9. Bump. 5M asking price.
  10. Bump. 5M asking price.
  11. Ill buy all slam mines
  12. Taking 6M for the combo. Competition is tough people going low for houses.
  13. Taking 6M for the combo. Competition is tough people going low for houses.
  14. Bump. Will take 30M for the shed.
  15. House and garage are in the same compound. Asking price 8M sold together. https://imgur.com/aETgeto https://imgur.com/pawEKXz https://imgur.com/RCyKjWI https://imgur.com/RCyKjWI
  16. Selling 3 crater max storage and garage 75m away from each other just a straight away. House = 5M solo Garage = 2M solo They are both up for grabs from realtor. If anyone would like me to hold them it is in an extra 8M before it is too late. https://imgur.com/4wHPkNP https://imgur.com/kQJkyW9
  17. @ MrAutoo We stay holding it down at the DMZ for you buddy @ Venomm
  18. Bump. Send Offers. Shed is at the top of a hill.
  19. Fair warning the scramming disclaimer never said scamming isn't allowed by admins.... I say whoever isn't Ray get a middle man
  20. BUMP. Ill be reasonable and take 60M for it. https://imgur.com/7K0pRTO
  21. With the lose of a bit of my gang members I can't really take full advantage of this house. It is great for snaking meth runs without ever having people see you coming. Has about 100 lock picks, red gulls, first aids, and a couple bags of meth. ASKING PRICE: 3M OBO (No Trades) https://imgur.com/HxwElIZ
  22. Its all about location. Some sheds are 100 percent worth the money. It will make you more money over time depending on location. The Tree gang shed is probably the best one or whoever owns it now. You literally only need to fill it up with 2 ingredients and you drive by for corn. Some gang sheds are worth the money. Helps to remind you many gangs have a combination of about 600-1 billion in their banks combined.
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