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Everything posted by UKCATSFAN

  1. About an hour ago. I've tried multiple times daily since Thursday OH, I'm on now!! Sweet!!
  2. DC fan?
  3. Dogshit????? Endgame is def the best but theyre all really good. This one goes on the list of all time super hero movies. I think "The Dark Knight" will always be the best but this one is right up there behind it. I think you may be the 1st person that I've heard say they didn't like it.
  4. Did anyone else get banned by the Hacker on Wednesday night? Been banned since then and trying to get it resolved. Just curious if anyone else was banned. The ban report just shows being permed for scripting but doesn't list an admin/mod that put the ban on. I'm still banned but hopefully someone will get to me soon. One admin already tried something but it didn't work. So, I was wondering if anyone else had this happen.
  5. gotcha! Thanks I owe you guys an apology! Had a few drinks last night and got too impatient. Woke up this morning, read the messages, and felt like an idiot. That, along with a massive headache. So, I apologize for being an ass. Won't happen again.
  6. then just communicate that bro! It takes 2 secs to say....Hey, i got some other shit going on. Get to ya as soon as I can. ok, cool, when you sit there and ignore people, they get frustrated. just common courtesy.
  7. Then why have a ban appeal process?? If you are not "technically" required to do anything, then why is it in the rules? If it is a courtesy, then why have it in the rules at all? That doesnt make much sense to me. I did PM other staff members as well, obviously not all of them but I did PM other members. I did not compare staff to judges, I was simply making a comment about the process and the fairness. Stating that in a fair system, like a democracy, the person handing out the punishment should see the process through. I don't think that is too much to ask. It was just talking about an EXAMPLE of a fair process. Geez Unnecessary posts?? Its a message board for a server. If a player has a question, this is supposed to be the placed to ask those questions. You may not think it is necessary but alot of people are asking this same question. I'm sorry you think it is unnecessary but alot of the players disagree.
  8. You act like having the ability to talk to the person that banned you a privilege. It should be a right that you have as a loyal player on this server. I getting having to wait, I really do but having to wait ALL DAY long is ridiculous and should not be part of the process. Replying to the website doesn't count. The appeal process states that you file an appeal, then jump into TS Ban Appeal. So, why shouldn't that be part of the requirement when the mod/admin responds? Can you explain that?
  9. I will gladly post the clips. It wasn't obvious at all Either way, they owe you an explanation. please, go look at my ticket. go look at their clips and go look at my clip and tell me what you think You shouldn't have to wait ALL day. Period!!
  10. Thank you for reply. I really appreciate it. With that said, he simply replied to my ticket but did not explain anything and simply posted the video submitted against me. He did not explain or tell me why I was banned. If you have a ban appeal process and that includes jumping into TS3, they should be required to follow that process. I get that people are busy, I am quite busy myself, but if you are going to trust someone with the task of banning players then they should be required to follow through with the process. The same holds true with our democracy judges. You simply cant hand out the punishment and then go MIA. It is very frustrating for players like myself who have been loyal to Olympus, played with the rules for years, yet can not tell their side of the story. I think a quick look at my video will insure my innocence. I get that admins/mods are busy, I truly do but if they're going to pass out the punishment, they should be available to hear both sides. I get that no one wants to step on toes but right is right. There shouldn't be politics in this at all. And that's what it is if someone ignores evidence simply to...."not step on toes". I do have evidence that shows that I had ZERO to do with anything that happened. I just want to show my side of the story, that's all. I don't think that is too much to ask.
  11. Nah bro!! Im sorry! It just took me a minute to realize! Its just been a long day! After I read it again, I realized and tried to delete. LOL! For real, my bad, I see your trying to help now. It just took my dumbass slow brain a min to register
  12. I don't know if you're just trolling me or if you're trying to help. I could use some help. I'm just frustrated and not sure what I'm doing wrong. Not trying to be an ass bro Grego Exactly! And for whatever reason, that staff member wont jump into TS. He has been on MULTIPLE times throughout the day, both TS and the website, yet wont jump on in Ban Appeal to talk about it. Can't understand it.
  13. just move along my dude, you're obviously not here to help. troll elsewhere
  14. ok, I'm not going to argue with you. It seems like that is your goal. But I've messaged other admins/ mods and haven't gotten any results. That's why I asked the question. What is an effective way to do so?? Because I haven't had any luck myself
  15. That's still too long bro. You really expect people to just sit in TS for 24 hours just waiting??? Soooooo, yeah yes, there is a point to appealing a 3-5 day when you didn't do anything wrong. I get admins are busy, I completely get it but when you have sat all day, it gets a bit frustrating and how do you go to a higher when nobody will even jump in Ban Appeal to talk to you??
  16. if you spend your entire ban waiting to appeal your ban??? I have literally been waiting in ban appeal ALL day to show my evidence. I have been more than patient waiting on the mod/admin to show my evidence. I think they need to make a better effort to follow up on an appeal. Just doesn't make since for someone to sit in TS3 ALL DAY long and still not be able to present your side of the story. Very frustrating as a player. Almost feels disrespectful also. I have played on this server, donated in the past, yet cant even get someone to talk to me for a couple mins about a ban. Extremely frustrating!! played on this server almost daily for 2 years
  17. Airborne, can we talk in TS please?
  18. Serious question, have you boned her yet or not? Cause honestly, I'd hate for 8 months of blue balls to go for nothing. Just being honest.
  19. Thank you you very much! I appreciate it. Not sure how I missed that actually. Thank you! It's funny you answered 1st cause the player's name was similar. Actually u were not first but none the less
  20. Would like to get a clarification on a scenario if I could. I was a passenger in a Hatchback inside the city of Prygos. As we round a corner, we make contact with a Prowler that knocks us into the gas station. As we back up to get back on the street, the player driving the Prowler exits his vehicle, which is right in the middle of the roadway. As we are backing up, our car hits that player and just knocks him down. We don't think much of it and continue driving forward to the Vigi HQ in Prygos. We exit at the HQ and about a minute later, the player from the Prowler opens fire on both of us from up the street. He continues to fire, killing both of us. Is backing up and hitting him considered an engagement? Keep in mind that we had been knocked off the road, was backing up already when he exited, and he exited in the middle of the road. Is that reason to open fire on us? Does that justify him killing us? Ive searched the rules and I feel like that was RDM. The situation continued for about 30 mins and eventually ended up with me catching a ban for RDM, although he tried to steal my car twice before I actually shot him for it. So, I was just curious about this situation and was hoping I could get a clarification on this. Thanks for the time!
  21. Thanks! I went and I got killed as soon as I pulled up to one. Lol
  22. Another quick question, I've seen guys running around with their ghillie on. Is that in the game somewhere or is that a mod they're bringing in? Again, thanks for the help. CoryC
  23. Gotcha! Thanks!
  24. Recently started to become a vigilante. Do you get a taser as a vigilante or do you just use rubber bullets? I bought the Stinger 9mm, does that clip under it already have the rubber bullets in it or is there another place that I find those? Also, what is the other weapon on the Vigilante market? Is it a lethal or non lethal weapon? Thanks for any help! I appreciate it. And where do do I find the taser at also?
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