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Everything posted by -HoLeY_GhoST-

  1. See that is the wierd thing about arguing the situation just as someone comes on the post and says i shot first when it clearly states i told him to go away first i called out first not shoot first im not that stupid.Yes it is a waste of time but not when this is a big name and everyone will take his side and then that starts to much bs against me when he has way over 5 secs before getting shot.
  2. Anyway this is a mess when i typed it but what im saying is when i made it to the front of my car i told him to leave then was able to get to the other side and observe the car still coming to a stop.At that time he was able to get out with the normal arma motion crouch get to the wheel to two position hops before i shoot two shots over his car no where near him.That is the only reason that he thinks it wasnt 5 secs.I guess he can do all that in like 1 sec right?Well that is what he thought and i do it to we all think we can do things so fast that it took 1 sec right?Anyway he poked up i shot him and he made his way to the back to heal and at no time does he say anything nor utter a word.So why did he not call rdm or say dont shoot or im friendly.He had over the the time he had to set up take two shots over the car and then poke around to try and shoot my feet and i shot him then he gets to the back wheel to start healing im pacing the car wanting to know where he is over 5 times back and forth even tried to scope through my car window it took so long before noticing he was healing before i try to run to a good spot to shoot under his car and this whole time he doesnt say a word but proceeds to just heckle me about rdm.Well how about this my friend just take a breath and slow down take the time to count out 5 seconds and then just because your a big name and think you know the rules take time and realize the time it takes to be 5 secs just take in 5 breaths that is all just do it brother.
  3. Here is the situation im setting on the side of the road just got out and was going to fix the tire that had the car going so slow.When a player ends up driving up and i notice who it was and we had already killed each other twice before.So i start running around my car to hide and when i get to the other side i yell go away now then im able to stand behind the car and his car is still rolling then he gets out gets behind the car with no words said and moves for a shot over front wheel so i shoot twice over the car and then i wait a sec then he pops around the front so i shoot and hit with a quick lean burst.Then he gets behind the back wheel and heals and i notice this and come out from the car to shoot under his and he gets up and we shoot each other and kill each other.Then he proceeds to call rdm after i know he saw me at the rebel base and proceeded to follow me and find me and stop with no words at all and this whole time he had the chance to leave and didnt say a word.From the time i was able to run from the front of my car to the side and wait for his car to stop and him get out and set up at the front of the car this as after i told him to go away and then i gave him two shots not even close to him he still proceeds to stay quite and not leave.I will say the point is i know he seen me at rebel and i just killed him there that is why he came back after the right time frame though but i know he came after me that is why i got behind the vehicle plus the fact he didnt say dont shoot or im friendly nothing then to say i didnt give him enough time to say something or 5 secs rule from the time i told him to leave is absurd and the only reason that he said that is he thinks it was less than 5 secs from the time he was able to stop his car get out and set up with two small hops at his front tire is the two shots i sent as a reminder im not kidding plus he was set up on his tire so i was just warning then i waited and he poked so we shot.Just because you have been on here longer than i am and have a big ego doesnt mean i dont know the rules.The things that could have happened though is i could have just set behind the car and waited for a response but i was aggressive which i am and then he could have said something period but he didnt he was only seeking revenge on me when after he killed us trying to rob someone he ended up driving into rebel base and i killed him then after about 15 mins he came back and saw me driving so he proceeded to chase me and then stop to try and kill me and then add that i didnt give him enough time.He had tens times the amount of time and a newbie is the reason the rule is in place because they will just say your going to die bang dead.Im tired of this crap just the other day a guy on a 4 wheeler was driving down the msr next to airport and im flying in police truck going 200 with lights and sirens as usual.He was on my side im able to slow down enough to miss him and im out of the way enough to miss but he accidentally maybe turns in my direction and we hit so he proceeds to say that was my fault and to comp really? is this a joke?Ive made one mistake trying to help a friend out and we ended up talking about it on ts3 and i comped him over 700k and so what i made a mistake trying to help a friend out and nlr came into effect.That is it other than maybe i forgot to check to see if someone was driving a vehicle that was registered to them.I will say though in this altercation since we had two meetings before we both got little fast witted and he lost track of time because he had tons of time to say dont shoot or set up on his front tire with two small hops after his car had to stop that is the only reason he thinks it was not 5 secs.I should have just sat behind the vehicle and waited for him to do something which sucks but who cares.
  4. picture is way to small and what kind of price range would this be?not sure how to sell a house either how would that work the person who is selling the house would still have the keys maybe?
  5. Ill say in dayz epoch this was the best aspect of the mod itself and that was to go get the drops and meet people at them and have battles for the booty.Building houses and collecting loot was fun but then the sickness of not seeing people around was getting to me but when the crate drops Arma happens right?
  6. Maybe this could be used on the test server for a month and see how this works because this brings another element to the game that would be fun.We can run drugs and search for a quick steal of another persons booty or rob the fed plus break someone from jail which is an option to do so but when someone drops quite a bit of money on the map in a certain area.We now have everyone wanting this element and that could get good !!
  7. Noticed the other day that a server had a add on that was called Gold Wreck.Maybe this could be looked at to see if this would be a good idea or maybe a bust that just lags the server maybe but if there is a gold drop on the server and we have alot of people going to it something good will happen.
  8. o ok thank you and can anyone tell me what the difference in the tempest transport and tempest device is or can anyone elaborate why the rebel large trucks are more expensive is it that they may have more armor or do they gather or some odd gadget?
  9. also can we get this money bug that kicks us off taken out because that cool million dollars would have been nice today or is the server files or mod that is downloaded maybe not able to just get rid of this certain aspect and we have to wait on a update fix for the mod or file?
  10. Ok for instance i go and buy a 50 cal truck and and upgrade the truck to have insurance for instance and me and a team mate end up getting arrested in the square and the officer siezes the truck does the insurance allow for the truck to be back in the garage?
  11. im not moaning big guy im just releasing that roar and i know its not about money and i agree with you on that one fusion but yes you fellas had that locked down pretty well but we could have worked together alot better but we didnt have the right gameplan.
  12. So end up going to cocaine processor today for the first time as a apd officer and end up locating a zamack transport and after all was said and done and the situation was taken care of we end up searching the zamack and low and behold the truck had 891,398 dollars worth of contraband cocaine in it but as soon as i leave the truck the server kicks me off and says that im not allowed to have that big a transfer of money and to contact an admin if i think this is wrong and also the players would have had cocaine on them as well so i was looking around 1000000 dollars for the sting on cocaine processor and due to not recording i cant get anything done about it so when is the new update going to fix all of this or will this be a problem the entire time? Also had a rough day with four players wrecking spondy and myself in kavala which started the morning out just great and then meet them later at a off road and end up firefighting them for about 20 mins with help of a few more officers and all four players have over 600k bounty but due to server restart we end up with nothing. Then we have a fed robbery and its the best one i have seen during the time i have been an officer and we fail so badly and end up having to just lock up but right after that i found a bounty and i thought this would be easy 400k and end up stopping the car and downing them but when we were able to reach them one got up and killed us both so no money and this about 2 oclock a bummer so far. So prob made about 200k all day on small fries and end up getting on civ and steal about 4 cars the two gps trackers fail one guy went to weed field but then logs to another server and the other was stolen and chopped but then i ended up by myself and find two prae guys at weed processor and i get setup near the church and one allows me to pop him and then the other i shot under the tin and i was rocking a fatty we were in business.So to beat it all one of the players ends up to be yayobamacare the troll who seems to know all the rules and trolls his balls off in kavala all day and just pays fine after fine but i got him...Then i steal his car take all the marijuana and head off to athira where i make some money but yet go to the chop shop and that doesnt work so a big fail. Then i make it over to heroine processing where i locate another guy who spots me and trys to run and im able to drop his tire and end up jumping in the car and finding him down the road still driving without a wheel and end up downing him for about 78 heroine but wait that is not all i end up going to athira to sell at the drug dealer because that guy may camp me at pyrgos so i mosey on up and get right at the drug dealer and get out and boom chain of death kicked from server woooohooooo and that is the story of i should have set my a$$ in kavala all day and begged for money...
  13. ISIS - yes a few times and they are the clan that is on the most when im on and a few of them do not like me lets just say that Nerdz - every so ofter i have seen a few on Burban - of course they roll in packs of 10 and pink streams and they are fun to watch KI - This clan is prob the biggest troll in my opinion because they like to mess with apd but good clan Ive noticed ISIS is into running alot of drugs in groups when im on but seem to stay away from contraversy.KI and Burban i see them doing more of the hunting people down aspect more but that is later in the day so they are more dangerous when trying to make money.Id prefer to get in a clan if i ever think about it but id be in one that is on all the time because i play either mornings or nights off and on. Which one i hate the most would be ISIS because i hate the name and quite a few hate me as well.
  14. Ok thanks for the feedback everyone because im not trying to bend the rules or anything but sometimes it takes a little influencing of the trolls to get them aggravated in order for them to listen but i dont know all the rules therefore i get hot headed sometimes as well but knowing more of the situations that can come upon ones self is a better option than winging it and getting ban
  15. 1. So my fellow officer and I was on the server this morning and we obtained a large bounty of 750k and we decided to split the difference and once the other officer sent the money i was kicked off the server and a message said im part of a illegal type of transaction and to contact an admin if this was wrong but once back in the server we sent the money through atm and i was able to receive the money.So im asking about the new update and stating that we cant send money from one to another if its alot of money in this case the amount was over 300k. 2. What is this insurance/car upgrade update and how does one do it and can officers do this to our vehicles as well.If there is a wiki on the update or something and someone can send me the link that would be appreciated ty. APD question.... 3. Ok on a few occasions i have had someone restrained and there friends or just other civilians have been talking/harassing the situation and ill let it go and try to talk to them as well but after a few minutes ill state that they are interfering with the situation and that if they do not leave they can be obtained and charged and i know the rule states that if they continue to do so for 10 mins we can charge them so i state that to them.Ok so on a few occasions i have had the civilian that was warned keep on trolling the situation so i restrain them which works because once they are mad they seem to not want to continue afterwards but ill let them go because (im a cadet) anyways with a warning stating the same thing over again on how they are interfering with the situation.Is this a bad thing to do or is there a rule stating im not allowed to restrain anyone that is not wanted? -- Also i have had numerous situations of civilians trolling the officers in HQ so i ask them to leave 2 or 3 times and if they do not i state i will be restraining them and escorting them out of HQ since the area is illegal for civilians.Then when we are at the gate ill state that if they come back in they can be charged with disobeying a officer and regardless of the fact if they come back in or not am i wrong with restraining them and escorting them out with a warning and or charging them if able if they come back into HQ?
  16. well usually the best scenario would play out with getting the restrained civilian in an area where no one will be shot before the officer is shot or the officer gets shot easily is the normal gameplay that happens but just saying if the officer was pinned down and cant process for instance how much time would we have.usually im able to process the individual in time or hurry the process up in a good location before being shot.
  17. Im looking for an opinion on these questions..... 1. So the question is if im able to restrain someone and bring them to hq due to vdm or rdm in kavala heavy or their friends are raging and when i get there someone starts shooting.Lets say we do not have any clue who the shooter is and im not able to process the restrained civilian.If the firefight lasts more than 10 minutes does that account for a pardon to the player?Also can someone elaborate the whole rule and situation plz. Ive seem to to forget the other questions i had but ill start writing them down im a curious person.
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