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Everything posted by secre

  1. Good to know we have people volunteering to be an admin but if you can't do what you WANTED to do, then give up the position. Now you have people waiting 24+ hours for some stupid ass reason because someone who "Volunteered" for a title doesn't want to get it over it. Toxic Community, very classic. I'll keep in mind next in time when I get banned for my appeal to last my ban time and my ban time reduce HOURS after my ban is automatically. How many god damn obvious complaints will it take for someone to realize something is wrong. You guys used to be on top of your shit but I guess things change when you're in it for titles.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Toasty


      Do the crime, serve the time.

    3. Millennium


      You wouldn't be banned if you didn't break a rule

      More than half the Administration team stepped down a couple of weeks ago so they don't have as many people on to do it.

      There is no point to pay them, thats just another addition to what Ryan has to pay rn since donations are down, and if they weren't it would be split between devs and admins/mods so they would make little to non with the amount there is.

    4. secre


      lol still concentrating on fact that I said I got banned. Not the point that I was making. Maybe stop tunnel visioning one thing and you may get somewhere. My main focus was the fact it took 3 days for someone to come in and and SAY they reduced my banned even after my ban was already. Stop trying because your making yourself look like a real ass of yourself. Reread and don't comment 🙂

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