'most of SAPD on Olympus are 30 year old virgins working retail who have egos because they hold a position of authority on a roleplaying server on a 6 year old game. I actually pity some of them fr fr. If this server went down most of them wouldnt know what to do with their lives.
Like this dude @Decimus has a fuckin e-gf and @ThatNerdyGuy looks like a 25 year old man child who still lives at his parents house.
most of yall massive losers
@ThatNerdyGuy @Hoonter @ChrisGG @Decimus @Airborne'
i didnt break the rules i accidentally broke a rule and this retard admin who had like 10k of stuff said "500k comp or ban", and i said ok, gave him 500k, and he still hands me a 6 day ban lmfao. this server blows insane dick
@Hadi Mokdadur a fucking retard lol
enjoy ur dying servers fuckin shitty ass admins banning every plakyer thats why this shit game is dying since 2016 lol thats what happens when u have retardfed mongs as admins