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Everything posted by Jollygreenman

  1. Calls me a retard but in reality TI and prime are composed of faggs that hack lmao
  2. LMFAO hacker gang vs havker gang, may the best win
  3. Where df is royal at my guy
  4. Johnny i pmed u, meet me later on at night
  5. I know most of it is shit, thats why im selling it off, post offers bellow
  6. meet me at server 2
  7. OH SNAPPP (ik its not worth shit, i just dont want it lmfao)
  8. Offers bellow
  9. Im selling my house in DP14 beside heroine field, dm me offers
  10. Im selling 1 MX, 2 PO Uniforms and 2 vests HMU with prices, (Server 3)
  11. I'm selling a deputies Uniform, Vest and Taser, HMU if you have any questions or want to make arrangements (Server 3)
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