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Everything posted by Jessy

  1. still got 4 mk1 and the ak12 lmk if u still want anything
  2. got 5 mk1 and 1 ak12 tasers
  3. got 5 mk1 and 1 ak12 if u interested lmk trynna sell asap
  4. looking for 8m for the AT with middleman offer for the house
  5. 5x mk1 : 1m each ak12 : 1.2m
  6. how many wps r they again like 20 ? id sell them for like 10k/point so like 200k each mag
  7. 7 MK 1 tasers left selling em 1.1 each all mags left
  8. ,
  9. sup and mar10 gone
  10. mar10 lethal : 2m 7,62 sup : 2.1 mk1 tazer : 1.2
  11. @Noahhh! they're 1m each on ur post already lmao
  12. how much for 7 rpgs @Noahhh! @Drippp I'll buy whatever amount of wps u got left
  13. pm me ur prices
  14. 600k/type 15k/stone
  15. Jessy

    WTB tazers

  16. Jessy

    WTB tazers

    type 115,promet, promet mr, mk1, ak12, mar10. pm me wut u got and price for each *no sting/mx
  17. nope sry
  18. bought
  19. pm me
  20. ^
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