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Everything posted by Jessy

  1. 7.62 supp tazers mar 10 zafir stones/spike strip rpg and rockets msg me price
  2. Jessy

    WTS AT Offroad

  3. msg me
  4. msg me offers
  5. aight ill prob buy em later i just bought 640 so ill be good for this week
  6. msg me
  7. ez win
  8. msg me $
  9. Jessy

    WTS Zafir

    ill buy in a few
  10. still for sell/ still buying all these
  11. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    lmk if u can do the other trade
  12. Jessy

    WTB wpts

  13. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    im on s1 atm
  14. buying Mar 10 lethal rpg rockets rpg War points any tazers Stones house is on s1 and i only buy shit on s1 too
  15. Jessy

    WTB wpts

  16. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    im on s1 rn @Drippp
  17. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    aight man im on rn would buy 200-300 on s1 im ALF Jean msg me when u can ig
  18. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    @Drippp u still sell some ?
  19. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    still buyin
  20. Jessy

    WTB tazers

    still buying ( stings,spar,mx,promet,ak12,mk1,type)
  21. Jessy

    WTB wpts

    buying a few hundreds lmk your price
  22. Jessy

    WTB tazers

    mxs/promets/ak12/mk1 msg me prices also buying stones I buy on S1 only
  23. ASP, promet MR tazer and one of the dp 25 houses are sold
  24. everything is on server 1
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