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Everything posted by Jessy

  1. selling 2x 1500 storage houses in dp 25 selling 2900 storage house in dp 13 few rpgs ASP promet tazer msg offers
  2. Jessy


    u guys realize that the post is over 2month old ?
  3. msg me your price
  4. msg me
  5. Jessy


    Still buying
  6. Yes
  7. msg me your price
  8. SOLD
  9. msg me offers
  10. msg offers
  11. 1500 storage 400-500m away from processor just bought it but selling back cuz i dont use it and I need the slot to buy another one. msg me offers * Also selling a frog/diamond house that has 2900 storage in dp 13 https://gyazo.com/4f1275e251a74a99a7513866c2971285
  12. yup thanks demon couldnt get on before but yea server 1 and if you want pictures msg me
  13. still for sell
  14. selling dp 13 frog house with 2900 storage selling sofia rebel outpost respawning house thats half located in the redzone give me your offers
  15. msg me
  16. selling the DMS for 2.75
  17. it's listed for 4.5mil atm
  18. Probly the best house u can get to gear up quickly, the house is literally half located in the redzone. *that house only has 100 phys and virtual storage, main purpose is to respawn there and get ready to fight asap.* Give me your offers in comments or pm me. .
  19. I want to be in the giveaway
  20. msg me quantity
  21. Jessy


    msg me if interested
  22. lmk price
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