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Everything posted by BoxerStain

  1. Weed processing garage and house for sale here, hit me up.
  2. Apparently the gang Nerdz, really does follow their name. If you plan to have some fun goofing around with others then be careful on server 2 because they're the biggest party poopers out there. Even if you're nice to them, they'll back stab you just to make a couple hundred thousand dollars since they only care about making money. RIP to the server 2 party bus. P.s. it's not that I'm salty about losing the truck I could care less, it's just that they ruined all the fun we were all having.
  3. What's up everyone. As many of you guys know it is now a days hard to find a garage as well as a house, especially next to each other. I want to let you guys know that I'm willing to sell my house and my garage near weed field to someone. The house is not the biggest, it holds two storage crates, but I feel like the location is convenient for anyone interested in the weed business or in need of a garage. If you'd like to work something out just send me a message! Below is a picture of the property: This is the location on the map:
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