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Everything posted by scooby

  1. Very good idea, don't send a location, but a message saying surface to air missile initiated by ______________
  2. I Have put two tickets in on this exact issue!!! WE CANT SEND OUT BOUNTIES TO JAIL!!! AND THE JAIL IS INTACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Happy birthday mate!!!
  4. On a positive note, a lot of your members are actually very good at the game.
  5. Another thing, stop using the excuse this is RP... If this was true RP then I could just walk up and shoot you... RDM doesn't exists in real life... The rules that are on the server wouldn't be there... THIS IS A GAME, and SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE A GAME with real people. There has to be limitations to keep from anarchy. So your name is unacceptable.
  6. No it's not the same. THE NAZI's you speak off were soldiers under a mad man. Except for a select few most were only apart of German military to help there country liberate from what they believed was tyranny... ALL Muslim extremist believe is destroying the fabric of everything not Muslim. ww2 took place 70+ years ago... Wounds have mended over that... ISIS is CURRENT and ITS NOT TO BE JOKED ABOUT! Making fun of Ebola, WTF? Ebola is not a living person... So that point is null. For the other names such as KKK, JIMMY Savile, and jack the ripper, I can see your point, but under social standards if you were to compare them to ISIS, they wouldn't even come close. KKK Lynched 3,446 Blacks in 86 Years I would consider this group not acceptable as a clan tag. It is possible that the Ripper may have claimed more than five victims, but most experts agree that at least five of the East End murders were the work of Jack the Ripper. And Jimmy Savile... A pedophile... If I wouldn't get banned, I would post you 3 videos of ISIS publicly executing mass amount of people they deemed Christians. around 300 were children... The next video is of 59 beheading's then ISIS kicks there heads around like soccer balls. The next video is of 12 boys being forced to have sex with each other, then they are set on fire. ISIS is terrible, and is current, and shouldn't be praised like you people do. If you wanna help ISIS, join up, I hear they are accepting volunteers to die for Allah.
  7. Gator, as someone who has experienced my share of Muslim extremist it infuriates me that these dipshit children wear a symbol of something I was against... They have no idea the pain I witnessed between Afghanistan and Pakistani border... It's disgusting. They can go around screaming Allah Akbar, but when they fucking parade around with the tags of a group that is responsible for beheading women, children, Americans... that' is fucking disgusting.
  8. It shows I've played of Olympus for 1838 minuets (30 hours) According to my stats its more around 600-700 hours How long have you guys been tracking for?
  10. Lightwarrior "I'm going to get you banned for killing me in a green zone you can't kill in a green zone" Scoobs "that's not a rule, fines are doubled, but I can still kill you in a green zone dumb shit" Lightwarrior "It's a green zone, which means I'm protected by admins, and they get logs instantly to there email when you kill someone in a green zone, enjoy your 4 day ban" 2 hours later Lightwarrior was banned for RDM.... F****** loser. #REKT
  11. Best Shot: Fugi Best Driver:Fugi Best Heli Pilot: Void Best Officer: Hamofmoose and pvtwanted Best R&R: DR Spectral, and John Mcclane Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Best RP'r: Pinkstreak Most Tactical: IDK Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Pinkstreak Most Reliable: Pvtwanted/fugi Most Dedicated Player: Jendrake / Hades
  12. If you pause download, open up config, and open from there BYPASSED BITCHES!!!
  13. Everytime I open arma it trys to download!!! HOW DO I STOP IT!!!
  14. So this is off topic, but are you the guy that talks like bubbles in the game?
  15. I love Hades also, this one time I saw him as a seagull above kavala square and he blew me a kissy.
  16. Has Kaiokhen Ever Posted A Word?
  17. Silly question, but isn't it a trade mark deal to take the Monster logo without permission? Or am I not seeing a difference from the car logo and the real thing?
  18. I foresee my newborn starting a character on Altis Life, baby scoobs
  19. Ignore.
  20. teckub was right 2 wrongs don't make a right. I'm tried of people using (D)DoS against others. I may have insight on how to counter these, and want payback, but shouldn't brag about being able to gain access to someones PC I'll leave it at this admins. I have made a list of players I know who have (D)DoS me, and others in Olympus, and have probably attacked the servers as well. Which Admin should I contact with this information?
  21. I remember shooting you in the face.
  22. I've been playing on Olympus for some time, and it's time to expose the real you!!!
  23. Sweet man, what state you in?
  24. Wambulance has arrived.
  25. The wheat king, wtf man. You expect people to wait in R&R 24/7 to get a response to a ticket lol w/e dude. Some people have lives.
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