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Posts posted by StinkyShit

  1. 8 minutes ago, Monks said:

    So i know in the APD handbook it says cops must behave professionally around civs as a normal cop would. But i guess this line between professionalism and friendly banter is not very specific. Because nowadays there are cops literally walking around shit talking, calling people retards/autistic, and genuinely being toxic while on cop. I have 1 in mind specifically but what is your guys opinion on this?

    shut up retard

    just kidding monks i love you

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    2 minutes ago, Slim Jim said:

    @Weenieboi so going afk with a 30k bounty makes me retarded? Guess there's a lot of people in the peanut gallery then huh

    who the literal fuck thinks something bad is going to happen going afk with a 30k bounty with nothing going on? People do that all the time with server pop always going max in the afternoon

    the fact that you are crying about the cops entering your gang shed because they see a person who, I'm assuming murdered someone, is retarded. That is realistic enough honey bun.

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