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Everything posted by Roryy

  1. Roryy

    Hello Altis!

    Can you explain to me how to get laid? @Pledge
  2. Roryy

    Hello Altis!

    Thank you! My experiences on the server poaching turtles and becoming a millionaire has been very fun! Can't wait to continue!
  3. Howdy, I have joined the server recently on Monday! This Introduction may be a little late but I am Rory! I am from Texas and is working towards becoming an APD or R&R Officer! So hopefully you won't see me on the streets for long haha! Currently have about 21-22 Hours on the Server In about 2 Days of Playing so i am very active and message me if you ever want to Join my gang or play, also if me and my friends ever said anything in game to you that upset you we RP very heavily. One more thing If i ever held you up hostage. (I'm broke) Opposite of Howdy, Rory. P.S. (I also have a poor sense of humor)
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