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  1. What about the Church of Cthulu...? What about the speed bomb on the zamak full of Cthulu worshippers? RIP followers of Cthulu...
  2. Bat

    A3L mod

    I've noticed this became a comparison of A3L to Olympus. I feel that it's unique. It's special in its own way and the reason it's popular is because it's as close to real life as any Arma 3 mod has really come. The reason you can't become an officer if you have a felony on record is because that's how it works in real life. If you've murdered someone in real life, then good luck becoming a cop. I love Altis Life because it brings in elements from real life while still remaining a game. I have yet to play A3L, though I'll probably be hopping on today (the process to get whitelisted and everything is insanely long). It looks fun, though I've questioned whether or not I'll truly enjoy it is very different. EDIT: I shouldn't have to say it, but I will. I obviously love the Olympus servers or else I would've left a long time ago. =P ..
  3. I know that if you stay inside you don't get the charge for escaping. Whether or not the timer continues is beyond me as I'm always afk when I go to jail (fail rp, gg)
  4. Let's all relax, fellas. We know who the real kings are.
  5. The amount of ignorance in this post is absurd. You're right, bombarding cities with over hundreds of thousands of people is nothing. What happened to the Yezidi people? Oh, that was a mere scuff on humanity, right? The only joke here is you. I've lost family to ISIS as have other people. Just because it hasn't happened to you, it doesn't make it any less severe. P.S. If it was such a joke, the entire world wouldn't be banding together to try to stop it.
  6. Though I do enjoy the company of POTP and I'm good friends with a few of them, we are not the same gang.
  7. It's also good to note that under no circumstances can you hold them longer than 30 minutes, even if shots are being fired.
  8. Best Shot: Virus, GI_Joe, Hollowman Best Driver: GI_Joe (Have you seen this guy drifting around Kavala?) Best Heli Pilot: DubZ (if he isn't busy crashing in the most ridiculous ways) or Hollowman Best Officer: Devil (jk he sucks). Any cop who RPs properly or doesn't take you to HQ to process you for attempted auto-theft (please, it's safe !) Best R&R: FlappyPappus or Eos Best Kavala Troll: GI_Joe or Korean Jesus (No one realizes it, but Korean is behind everything happening in Kavala) Best RPer: Sam (something). He played on the server for a few days but man, that guy was a RP legend. Most Tactical: Spectro, GI_Joe, Virus, or Hollowman Funniest/Most Enjoyable to Play With: Not even going to bother with this one as there are a ton of people Most Reliable: Korean Jesus or Swisher (I love you guys *tear*) Most Dedicated Player: I... I don't know. Most Valuable Player: I don't know, mannnn. Everyone sucks. Realistically speaking, we're all biased in our answers. This is pretty much a "Pick whoever you play with" questionnaire.
  9. MK200 driving by Kavala Square. RIP citizens of Altis.
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