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Everything posted by PlasmaWolf

  1. Oh I did, im just making sure everyone else knows about him too. You guys are probably just going to ignore this anyway cause your friends with him on APD and the TS so I'm already sending in contact tickets to bistudios anyway. And seeing as how most of you are jsut going to laugh this off i wont be going on these forums or the server ever again and will continute to contact bistudios about your server. Feel free to say " bye cya get out loser, nice troll blah blah" cause i wont be back.
  2. I assume you wont even listen to this cause you expect everyone to have a video software running 24/7 but the cop named theycallmepaw needs to be removed or banned for abusing power and being a general asshole with his cop powers. He broke RP many times and downed me 7 times in a row over and over again every time i stood up while i was a HOSTAGE in a situation. If you ignore this and he is still in game ill assume it's server abuse and take appropriate action for that.
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