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Wesly ツ

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Everything posted by Wesly ツ

  1. I’m asking a question on the basis to keep green rep, whether or not you believe in keeping green rep. people are clearly misunderstanding. Close this thread @Arigato @draMa
  2. I know the person, I just can’t stop them. So there’s not a detriment to posting this
  3. Like I just want to be known as a decent person, most of the red rep people are toxic, I prefer to present myself as an opposite. I don’t see the shame in that.
  4. I would prefer a green rep, as most do.
  5. Ok so I have a question here. A certain person is constantly down voting me on the forums. Do I continue posting and interacting with the community on the terms that I have red rep or do I not interact with the forums until I post a montage to keep green reputation? The problem is that my next montage will come in a few weeks and I’d like to interact with the community in that time.
  6. From shadow play to something or to shadow play?
  7. What happened to your medic profile picture?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wesly ツ

      Wesly ツ

      The best part is that it’s an EMT.

    3. Mutiny
    4. indian


      it’s a pic of my favorite EMT farming revives in warzone.

  8. Wesly ツ


    Turn off your monitor for an fps bonus, usually doesn't work unless you're on rebel island.
  9. Anyone missed a big clip due to a recording issue? If so, what?
  10. This is what kind of thread I was hoping for, I enjoy this. Thanks all.
  11. I’m wondering what kind of loopholes have been found in the rules, if any? This could also be a time to fix or discuss. Expecting answers from mostly vets. thanks
  12. Just look at the rep beside a person’s name for a fair concept of reputation. Red rep are generally toxic with normal outliers and green rep is somewhere between a knobhead and a nice guy, and that just depends on the person.
  13. >:O
  14. Literally 2 people have already had no responses for an hour lmao
  15. next quote cant compensate for mk1 recoil
  16. both, it's what I'm doing.
  17. Just won
  18. Pretty easy win, to be honest. The person below me is gay.
  19. Mk14 and Mk18 are mostly equal, says the virtual arsenal. Mk14 has more range while the mk18 has a better accuracy. Their fire rates are the same. (Took these pictures myself)
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