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Texture Designer
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maxg last won the day on December 19 2019

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About maxg

Olympus Plus
R&R Medic
APD Officer
  • Birthday 08/18/2005

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    Woo Back Wednesday
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    Being hung by staff
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  1. Damn hows designer for Renegade @RogueMK

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. maxg


      Just Wondering because your leaving This server for shit and then join another sounds odd 

    3. RogueMK


      Who said I left? I just stop being designer here as I felt like my activity wasn't enough here, I didn't want to give it up but I just didn't have the time to put in that was needed. N I knew there were other ppl willing to take my role that were a lot more active than I was. Tbh I don't even know why I need to explain myself LMAO 

      Ppl just like to make assumptions 

    4. Tacosmell


      It amazes me that if someone resigns from his current role here to help out another server, some members of this community immediately think bad of them. Just goes to show you what this community has come to :) I don't think it is bad at all that one of your former designers took a larger role on an upcoming server. Can someone tell me the last time a new texture/skin was added? I don't recall there being anything new added in some time now. No? So don't call out someone who has put in work for you guys just because he wants to benefit someone else. 

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