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Dawn last won the day on November 13 2021

Dawn had the most liked content!


About Dawn

APD Officer
SWAT Member
  • Birthday March 13

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  1. This guy needs to chill out
  2. Dawn


  3. @ Super_Nova Happy Birthday Homie, i want burnouts in the scat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hazardous
    3. Masonn


      @ Hazardous  Account settings > Edit profile (on the right side) under basic info there's a slider for Status updates

    4. Hazardous
  4. not really tho, just clarifying the handbook with better wording. And now more people are being made aware of the engagement rules with the Ghawk because it's been brought to attention on the forums.
  5. Dawn

    Help Pls

    came back like a month ago nerd after a year break, the usual
  6. Dawn

    Help Pls

    what in the fuck is Yuki.gg mr? hahahahah
  7. Looking at getting some new peripherals for the setup in the next couple days. Any recommendations for both a Mouse and Keyboard? Lightweight with 2 Side buttons ideally. Thanks Gamers
  8. Give corps, single fire Mk14's to combat certain fellows in their roaming ifrits ❤️ 😄

  9. Sounds like that one night we had in 2016 together, crazy shit man be careful out there
  10. 1. In what ways would you buff the APD though? 2. I agree with this to an extent, but it would have to be something really unique to make it work well.
  11. Obviously they've been around for forever but they're nothing like they used to be, I feel like something needs to be done to spice things up for both Civs and the APD. I just can't think of anything off the top of my head that would help besides a full redesign of both. Any ideas so we can eventually get something rolling on the topic?
  12. did the same thing, but lost 236mil hahahaha
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