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Everything posted by Conner

  1. really good!
  2. Welcome
  3. money, vehicles, houses
  4. That was the Idea
  5. Well I didint see that at the top
  6. yes
  7. As far as I understand it the APD did nothing wrong, the redzone is what is inside of the walls of the hideout, and cops only need to respond to a situation in waves if it is a redzone. Since they were not going into the redzone they shouldn't have needed to respond in waves. Plus I have seen numerous higher ups do the same exact thing.
  8. Darn lol
  9. Im betting 500k for seahawks
  10. Just leave it how it is, let the cops use there own common sense, if they think they can get the person safely out of combat then let them, but if they attempt to do that and the person being escorted is killed its there own fault. In my opinion nothing needs to be changed, making it so people are invincible while escorted will become a problem with people abusing it.
  11. If I recall correctly civ orcas can toss ropes also.
  12. dont think it works for the m900
  13. Lets keep in mind that you are not in America when you play Altis Life. It is a completely different area. And from the looks of it its a police state, with that being said If there was a country like this in real life, the police would probably be doing much worst things then "shooting through a door".
  14. It is glitching to drive when tazed
  15. Go onto the ts channel which you should be able to find on the website or in game on the map. Then near to bottom of the ts there is a channel called "APD whitelist waiting room" or something along those lines. Then you wait for a Sergeant or higher to join, then he/she will pull you down and to a interview with you reviewing different basic APD rules which you can find in the handbook on the forums. They do interviews mon-fri around 7pm est but it varies. http://olympus-enter...r-apd-handbook/ -this is the master handbook with all the detailed rules for APD is the ticket guidlines olympus.ts.nfoservers.com - this is the teamspeak
  16. You sir, are a god among men
  17. Conner


    Welcome to Olympus!
  18. lol
  19. Thats a little more understandable then, still you could have talked a little more then just blasting him.
  20. Not all cops are playing for money, this RP situation just makes 0 sense. The president walking around with an LMG just makes no sense at all. It would have been a little different if he had like 4 other players in suits with vests and stuff. Last time I checked no matter the circumstances the president isn't going to be walking around carrying a LMG in real life, the secret service would (im guessing you were role playing as the president). In real life if someone was walking around with a gun such as the MK200 I guarantee you that they would be restrained. And if you wanted to RP it out you should have let him restrain you then RP it. I don't think any higher up would be in approval of letting someone walk around with an illegal gun such as that. You need to look at it from the cops view, he sees someone with a highly illegal weapon, his first reaction is going to be to restrain him to make sure that he is not a threat, he attempts to restrain you and you say "Im the president and the secret service gave me this for protection" and you blast him...
  21. Make sure that you have the required time played on the server as civ (I think its 24 hours) before you apply.
  22. I had also played on the server The Revolution Gaming prior to Olympus, and I have to say the system that Olympus as set up here is much better.It is a simple test that you have to pass, it isn't even really hard, if you have a little common sense and read the handbook then you should be fine and shouldn't have any issues with the test. And if you did have hours logged on Revolution Gaming as cop like you say you did, you should be fine. The rules between the server are practically the same. The only difference is how lethals work and that on Revolution they don't have a wave system that the cops need to follow. If you truly want to be part of the APD you should have no issue with learning the rules.
  23. I never knew you at all really (other then trying to buy your house the other day) but its never good to see someone get banned like this, so I guess goodbye.
  24. how much did you buy it for jorbis?
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