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Everything posted by Theory

  1. I'm a Medicinal Officer of the law. My number is........................... 763 LOL @PledgeWhy you gotta do him like that
  2. 499 - I want fucking 30 copy's of hand simulator at my disposal (because of the price$) mans no cheap.
  3. Yea this is no ordinary future police mans. He is the future of policing
  4. #Givethismana2ndchance
  5. Don't comment on this font *Otherwise you're a hater*, back to the question. Is there anyway to change your username because I'm hating on my own right now and It's getting pretty heated.
  6. Theory


    Thanks Ignis much love <3 @Ignis
  7. Nah, I think APD needs to overlook this, it's obviously retarded to jump to the conclusion that someone cheats if they hear something coming from the other persons microphone. I get steam & discord pings every 5 seconds because I'm a busy man, and discord does run as a process when you close it which is fucked up but eh. APD is easy to get into, as easy as medic, the APD handbook isn't much to remember, but for future references I'd record before doing a dumb interview with APD, you shouldn't have to but hearing this loool.
  8. Someone should do a video on key binds, because I can't figure out how to key bind restrain or key bind redgull. This would really be helpful, thanks. -Theory
  9. When you get 5 day vac for combat logging for something that didn't occur, but apparently was going to. Cops drove around me and I was hopping out of the server to play quikie of pubg with mah boy Dr.Dopey and I get hit with the deportation for 5days 000000000000000f Gotta love the rules just like the one where cops can die then come back for a second wave like nirvana was a thing, but stuck in the same life. A'OK
  10. Whats the best helicopter with the most capacity? Is it the Taru or Huron? including upgrades.
  11. I wan't to know if selling currency is against the rules, and would it be against Arma3 TOS or something for Olympus to be selling currency like Gta5 shark cards. I'm not saying I'm broke, trust me I'm not but this was something I thought about and was stuck in my head,
  12. Looking for people who own property in DP13 on server 1, I need a garage and I'm targeting one in particular so DM me if you have any.
  13. helpful as Fock boissss thanks :>
  14. What would be some good computer specs to run Arma3 without issue, also for servers such as Altis life where you can walk into the middle of Kavala without any low frames. I have a AMD 6300 with a GTX960 oc and every time I walk into Kavala I get terrible frames. I need something that can fucking handle Altis life servers with decent frames like 50-80fps helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp c:
  15. They just announced in the side chat server restart in 20 seconds, I think it might be the versions upgrade. ;>
  16. so I need the best username someone could ever make for a roblox account make it dank though #screwBTS
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