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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Trump24

  1. Put up screen shot
  2. wtf this crap
  3. Trump24


    offer offer
  4. Looking for a .338 suppressor or 7.62 suppressor if anyone selling theirs
  5. Trump24


    Only did it once confused wat happen cause a friend gave to me thought he put a bipod on it
  6. Trump24


  7. Trump24


    I got 10 left it still up for sale
  8. Trump24


    Hey I was wondering can I get banned for this I got a spar16s that has a bipod on it and I can remove it and put it in my crate after restart it has another bipod and still the other one in my crate and I can keep doing this after every restart https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925927998459899086/0F431D50C12CF1122AF4587806E284FDD73B9B2F/https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925927998459898848/ADC6503E4181B45E4E3635106604006A8622E10C/ theirs links to show it
  9. If u selling 14k a mag u got to be brain dead it's 5k and gun is 150k
  10. You do realize that if u want a house that u can see square and in 100m ur not gonna get that because db owns them
  11. 2mill
  12. It's 20k or 17k for 1 war point but when u can rob cops for the mags it drops the price so It's 5k and the gun is only 150k mxm is around 250k
  13. I can get money easily something called doing a run or a loan
  14. Just let u know they don't sell 20k a mag try 5k guy and it's 150k mx taste and how much for spar 16
  15. Lel I said 4.5 but oka
  16. 4.5
  17. 4.2
  18. Ok give u a cheese ball
  19. Trump24

    Selling DMS

    I know how to get money
  20. k
  21. 2.5mill
  22. 4mill
  23. Trump24


    um u got to chill cause these fire works will blow your mind
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