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Det. Payne

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Posts posted by Det. Payne

  1. so i was thinking of this. If I were to want a group of 5 people to go in and rob a group of people at heroine processing, without knowing exactly how many or who the people there are... who would it be? who would bet his dream team??? So after some thought and considerations, I've come up with these 5, and reasons why.


    [POTP] L3g1t - Me because it'd be fun and I'm friggin awesome!


    [POTP] Warfare - Long time friend and he's a good shot and has a good tactical mind


    [POTP] Zombified_Falcon - Long time friend and he is also a good shot and a good player when he isn't the first one killed :P


    FKGxAwesome - I've been in some situations with him before and he's a good shot and can hold his own as well as fight in a team


    Kratos - Also had dealing with him and he's a great shot and tactician and good in a team environment


    also all of my picks are veterans in the game and know the rules as well as the map and what works best in different situations.



    Feel free to comment and/or add your own list and reasons, just something I thought would be fun.

  2. Well I can see you really just wanted to get that off your chest. Let me start by saying that yes there are some issues with rdm and such and not sure who's with who, it was a lot easier when there was association, but now there's not. In my experience if you are in a firefight RP already initiated, and you shoot some dumbass who decided to come see what all the shooting was about, they have absolutely no right to complain and I have never gotten in trouble for it. The cop, if they were on as a cop should not have sat there while someone robbed you, but who knows maybe he was taken hostage, if you had taken vid of it and submitted it, that would have helped.

    All I can suggest for your getting killed by other gangs is to fight back, be tactical and strategic and fight back, rob them! Big known gangs like burban in server 3 and how potp at least was and R was in server 1 never really had issues because people wouldn't want to mess with them. So it frees them up to mess with you, notice when potp and A or R were fighting each other there was a lot less bullying of the little guy. Now just stick up for yourselves and if you're better you'll win, if your not keep trying till you win. Just a suggestion.

  3. I've watched admin and mods streaming/playing a lot and have never seen them do anything that a normal civ wouldn't do, never gave money never let them off the hook for doing anything wrong. I mean I could understand if these normies as you call em got special treatment but they don't. And as for them playing. There's not many and they're not always on, and admin/mods deserve to play and have fun on this server too. Now if you saw something I didn't and someone did in fact get special treatment then give that info/evidence to hades or Poseidon and they'll deal with it. Otherwise I see no issue with them having as much fun as we do on the servers they preside over out of their own love for the game. Remember they don't get payed.

  4. Well, I used to play on server 3 way back when and that was fun, got robbed in my fuel truck by burban a couple of times and they were always kinda cool, never too mean, then I swapped to server 1 and most of the old burban guys I knew are gone or have different names or something

  5. Dude 2 hours is the max, which means you did a lot of stuff, now I don't think at all it should be decreased, if you don't anna be in jail that long, don't do illegal stuff, pay the ticket, or get broken out. You do the crime you do the time brah

  6. I got perma banned over a misunderstanding and it took a month to resolve the issue, I stayed a month out of the game, and banned from the website. I knew it'd take time to fix and hades, ares, and Poseidon took real good care of me. Took forever but did I complain? No. So stfu and have fun dammit, do what you're supposed to do and it'll all work out

    P.s. I also lost a few million from the account reset because of the ban, doubt you lost more than I have. Rub some dirt on it and play or go to a different server.

  7. So there's that pesky rule which I don't really like, that if you rob someone you cannot kill them for any reason. I was watching aces stream last night and someone had taken a hostage but it popped up that they robbed the hostage. So I enjoy taking cops hostage, does this really mean I can't take the cops gear and then negotiate for his life? Cuz that's kinda lame IMO, I mean IRL is rob someone then barter for their lives.

  8. Cops are not OP, while yes the taser sometimes seems OP it really depends who's wielding it. Ghosthawks are almost a joke... I've shot down my share of Ghosthawks with a .50 and I even have a highlight on my stream of me doing it with my first .50, and they're so easy to get away from, just go north of kavala to those hills and fly low, you'll lose them easy, as I said before I lost ace in those hills while he was shooting at me and I was in a hummingbird. It's not hard. Just kill them, 2-3 ml-18 shots to the chest and they're done. And if you're alone it's youre fault, it is so hard to fight rebels in a group, just cover each other's downed bodies and you'll easily kill those over-eager gung ho cops who run over to restrain in the middle of a firefight.

  9. who's BurBan?

    It's this whole other gang...

    P.O. = Donate lots of money.


    Anything higher = Be Burban. 






    This is a typical reactionary post that spews hate rather than producing anything productive.


    Regarding your question, SGTs+ just kind of Do ridealongs when they can. If you happen to be on during that time, you'll get one. It's kind of how it works.

    This ^^^^

  10. So I finally decided to add my stream to the thing, I usually only stream so I can record, but apparently people actually enjoy watching me play (who knew? ) so I added it, I know there may be stream snipers, and I wish them luck! Drop by whenever you see me on!

    It's twitch.tv/l3g1tbrox

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