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  1. Servers are unstable, but that's to be expected when shifting hosts and putting out big updates. UNFORGIVABLY, the taxi role was removed and still has not been added back. 0/10, literal shitware server. Doesn't the R&R just run DP missions? What could they have added?
  2. I play vigi because I like taking in bounties and don't want to follow the rules of the cop role. This is it. As a tradeoff, my gear is much worse and I don't have access to APD resources or wave rules. Vigi is honestly an underpowered role, but people still react strongly to it as getting arrested is frustrating, and is even more frustrating at a lower bounty. Vigis are strongly encouraged to take low bounties constantly due to the way the leveling system is set up, leading to more frustrating and almost pointless situations in which small time criminals are forced to go through the process of getting arrested, going to jail, then getting back to whatever they were doing all for a 75k bounty. The way to make vigis less frustrating is to encourage them to go after larger bounties, as well as enable them to do so. As it stands, the strategy a vigilante follows is to wait around in towns hoping a bounty shows up, which is exactly where smart players with large bounties will avoid. Getting vigis out of towns and into the map hunting bounties actively would lead to a more engaging and less frustrating role all around. Some sort of general tracking system would enable this. In order to not make a tracking system extremely cancer, it would have to be very general and imprecise, and maybe come with a price. We don't want an Asylum bounty hunter situation, but at the same time we really don't want the current situation.
  3. The taxi role is my favorite drug. Bring it back.
  4. I personally don't see the issue with taking live bounties within the warzone. Vigis take on highly geared rebel forces constantly outside of the region, there's no reason this would be different within from an RP point of view if that's your issue. A nice QOL feature would be to add a vigi outpost closer to the warzone/Therisa so bounties won't have to wait as long to be processed. I get that people head down to the warzone for PvP and dislike seeing that getting interrupted, but vigis are so severely outgunned by a geared up rebel that you really shouldn't be losing to them very often. This is a situation in which I would ask warzone players to please seethe, and perhaps participate in some coping, maybe a bit of malding.
  5. Being a vigi is pretty much stacked towards full ratitude. There's no good way to get bounties outside of camping hotspots like rebel bases or towns for low hanging fruit, and the progression system is based on arrests and progresses at a very slow rate, leading to a situation in which giving up small bounties is a non option. Any small crime can lead to a vigi losing their license, so they're compelled to have a massive stick up their ass and focus on their one and only task. I don't think you could design a more unfun role for every party involved if you tried. They should honestly be redone or removed. Signed, a tier 4 vigi
  6. Give vigis some limited way to track bounties and they wouldn't be so enticed to camp around bounty hot zones. Literally the only way to get bounties consistently is exactly what is being complained about in this thread; there just isn't any alternative at the moment.
  7. Have you considered not doing the crime, scum? Vigis are indeed thirsty as fuck for arrests and it's all due to the progression system they've got. Leveling should probably be based on bounty amount rather than raw arrests to help with this, but tbh I'd probably still be doing the same thing. I'd trade the millions in my bank for a few more arrests in a heartbeat.
  8. I was wondering what the latest news on shipwrecks was.
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