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  1. anyone wanna buy a dp 23 moonshine house max 1400 space for holding stuff idk what its called pretty close to pro
  2. it was medic and I submitted it on the google form thing unless im a retard and actually never sent it k chief
  3. how long does it take for the people to respond back with the blacklist appeal I sent it in and no one has messaged me yet I know it says it can take a couple of weeks but Its almost been a month
  4. kinda a stupid question but what is my player id is it my in game name or my steam id thing
  5. I wanna apply for medic but I was blacklisted how do I get unblacklisted
  6. I’ll try it
  7. Can’t become medic I’ll try it out
  8. Noted With like a big truck or like a box?
  9. Someone rich tell me your secrets
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