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Everything posted by Mirre

  1. https://gyazo.com/25868af239bd668f6da84d038ed9ac34 Im going to set the start price at 800k.
  2. Still selling the house, bid, bid bid..
  3. 24h from now on the bid will stop. The highest bid wins.
  4. https://gyazo.com/25868af239bd668f6da84d038ed9ac34 Start price is 800k. 3 crater house
  5. Mirre

    [S2] LTB House

    Want a house on the east side of altis, either in pyrgos or sofia. ^^ -- STILL LOOKING edit: bought a house.
  6. Mirre

    [S2] LTB House

  7. Looking to by any house on server 2 for around 500k - 1m.
  8. start this of at 1m then
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