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Everything posted by Falco

  1. Wouldn't that 20% be higher than the 30% if you factor wpl?
  2. Come to think of it, pretty sure @ anti tried to get me to split bounties back when I was on the vigi grind. So kind of a weird post tbh.
  3. You're not even a vigi. Why does it bother you so much?
  4. Title says it all. Hmu with a price
  5. Falco


    If I could make it to every meeting, I would. But its just not that simple. That's why I tagged them.
  6. Falco


    I'd take it up with @ WALT or @ Siltonious Milton II
  7. Falco


  8. Falco


    Show me on the doll where the vigis touched you.
  9. Falco


    Can confirm like my last statement the highest bounties are usually career cartel players. But ya I'm not against lethals. I just know if we tried to pass it, it would be shot down by staff.
  10. Falco


    Because the highest bounties usually reside inside of warzone.
  11. Falco


    Would be all for it. I think sapd would have a huge issue with this idea though. Everyone plays differently. We shouldn't be "forcing" anything. Instead somehow incentivice not camping towns, but you know as well as I do. That's a hard thing to tackle.
  12. Falco


    Next it will be an outcry to ban vigis from going into warzone too. Sounds like a skill/intelligence issue to me boys.
  13. What?? Lol where did this even come from. Go take your meds. Hand selected? It must be nice to think you know everything, and that you're always right. Preach
  14. You're literally applying something you heard from someone that happened years ago to now. I can 100% say, just like everything else that spews out of your mouth. That this is big cap. And absolutely the dumbest thing I've seen you say in a while.. go get your tinfoil hat and be quiet.
  15. Right twisting your words. Yet just like everything else you accuse people of, you have no proof. At this point, just like everything else you do it's kicking a dead horse, its just wasting people's time at this point. Take responsibility for your actions. And re apply when you're ready to act like an adult. Have a good day.
  16. It's literally fact. Look how you act on the forums. Hell, look how you started this post. Calling us all nazis, lol cmon now. It's time you start taking responsibility for your actions. You're 38 act like it.
  17. Chase you gotta be kidding right now... CC may be alot of things. But she would not handle council well, a few denies in, and a giant conspiracy would hit the normal forums.
  18. If this is how you act from being denied cc. I could only imagine how you'd act if any of your ideas were denied. There would be some gigantic post about it, trying to get the server in an uproar. I say that because you've already done it multiple times. In my opinion if you want to take it seriously, you need to take a step back. Stop victimizing yourself, and gain some humility. Because you are not by any means innocent.
  19. Yes yes we all love our fuhrer @ Diamond Drop In all seriousness this is the reality.
  20. This whole debate is really about her not small gangs. You're the one the according to you turns down people from joining your gang. And refuses to join another gang. So stop shitposting
  21. Now now let's not be overdramatic.
  22. Cabal sleeper agent confirmed Breakout the tinfoil hats
  23. Please dont..they already hate us enough without you being involved.
  24. Just call it what it is and say it already. You're 1 of 2 people that have had a negative response to this. Can confirm it was a unanimous vote in council and no one was planning on capitalizing on the idea. I think silton said it best.
  25. Death to server 2 and all 30 of its players. Keep server 1 popping and active.
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