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(Tree) Rusty

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Everything posted by (Tree) Rusty

  1. how is it embarrasing? just telling them how i feel.. im not in tree as i dont play. plus people are asking me stuff on the post so im not igronant so i will reply to them.
  2. But asylum sucks. really bad. they just trying to copy them ha. how am i starting over again? makes no sence at all. i said rip bro to my friend. how is that being toxic. please just get of this post.
  3. but you cant 100% do a run succesfully. u will be shot at and killed some times. so its not always just a few runs. ive ambush and sniped people with a mk18 loads of times and chopped there vehicle. so in that case they have to buy that vehicle back. so if they making the prices lower and u get your tempest or hemmit chopped that means you have wasted hours for nothing. so in both ways its kinda bad!. plus loads of people will be camping drug dealer when this wipe happends. and cops will too. just stand around it. which will suck even more. haha
  4. hahaha have a good time saving up for 1 set of gear haha! then die like 30 mins after! them peaches too OP haha! hahah im not saying bad stuff about olympus because i think its the best atlis life server ive ever played on. 100% better than asylum and all these other random servers ive played on. like i played on other servers for like 1 hour and got bored, i could play 24 hours on olympus and still not be bored. its just the way the map is set out that makes olympus the best! and jsut everything else on the server. like i said im not saying anything bad about it, i just dont agree with the wipe and the new map
  5. plus grinding will take like 5 times longer, since they making the prices lower. anyway ive said my word, now cya guys, ill miss the server since i played daily. Love you guys. bye! cya!!
  6. i aint picking no apples. never did and never will. and there making prices lower? even worse. olympus is the best server how it is
  7. i aint stubborn. dont need to give it a try i already know its bad jsut by looking at it. but im gone. cya.
  8. Noticed that the servers have kinda died out because this wipe is about to happen. only like 10 - 15 people on each server, it used to be 60-75 on all servers at this time of the night. sorry but the new map just looks bad. Olympus is 100% fine how it is. but again people do have different opinions. just wish you could keep the server how it is, i love it how it is. but i guess i quit when this wipe happens. Bye!
  9. love this server how it is. changing it will make it shit. and taking money and making drug prices lower is even worse. but okay. i wish u could change everything else but money dont wanan start again. all that grinding i did.
  10. i think olympus should stay how it is. its the map and other stuff that make the server good!
  11. im just going to quit if they do a server wipe on money. if they changed the map and other stuff that would be better but if they wipe money it would suck man. all them hours spent making money would be for nothing ha. i dont see the fun in the server if i dont have money to spend. posidon if your reading this please dont reset money it would suck man. this server is the best server ive played on thats why i keep playing but if i have no money one day i dont really see the point in playing, and i think alot of people might quit tbh.
  12. Nice shit guys. glad to be apart of this gang. coolest people i have met in the game so far! hope to do more shit like this in the future. had a lot of fun playing with this gang. cant wait for more to come!
  13. already have thought it was funny anyways. thats why i told u guys to come get me lols. just a game
  14. i heared loads of people talking about it like 1-2 weeks ago just wondering if it ever will? really hope it doesnt because that would suck so hard. all that grinding and robbing people would be for nothing. reply to this telling me yes or no. because that would suck really bad if that happend.
  15. HAHAHA im chill bro i like ot roleplay when im bored as fuck, and tree will get revenge soem time
  16. yepp im cool with it was just joking in game. i dont care bro i like to roleplay when im bored
  17. not aruging i thought it was kinda funny tbh. i knew u guys would do that to me haha thats why i told u i was in sofia haha. nice vid anyways.
  18. but the thing is you guys are hyping over it. i basicly told u were i was. i knew 100% u wanted to record it hahah. u would never find me if i didnt tell u. funny thing is i could of kill all of u guys when u landed in that heli. only if i had a mk18 haa
  19. LMFAO! love it how u guys are so happy to kill me haha i handed myself into u guys thats why i have no gear lol. dont get so happy now. u never caught me at all. and i knew 100% u guys was going to record it because u was all begging to ask were i was hahahah GG.
  20. LMFAO! u guys are so happy!! i handed myself into u guys dont act like u caught me lol. love it how u guys are so happy to kill me i knew 100% u guys was going to record it and try show off haha GG
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