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Bleezy B

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Everything posted by Bleezy B

  1. Let's bet. Middlemanned by Teamspeak support. Message if you are interested in betting. I've done 90m, 50m, and 2x 40m coinflips and have had good experiences and fun with them all. Not saying that I won them all, but the experience was great.
  2. Hello all, As some of you may know, I like to do bets from time to time and recently have had issues finding others to participate. So I am open to offers. Leave a comment with your steam ID so I can verify funds and also comment on how much you'd like to bet. All bets over 5m will be middlemanned by a support team member to ensure integrity in the sport. I will try and contact you as soon as possible and arrange the bet. It's over once I am cleaned. I could still organize bets for others though if it is something the players would like. GL all. <3
  3. if you want to participate in the actual bet leave a message. Guess I should have been more clear. Every support team member has offered to middleman but there is no bet without someone who wants to gamble 80mil of theirs. TO BE CLEAR, IT SI A 160MIL BET IN TOTAL WITH BOTH PEOPLE BETTING 80MIL. Thanks.
  4. The bet?
  5. Come clean me. 80mil coinflip. Support middlemanned. Winner pays 4mil to middleman. GL
  6. @RDyer216 are you interested in the coinflip? I have two support team members wanting to do this already.
  7. sounds good. Just need a taker.
  8. I have 99m and am a gambling addict. Looking to coinflip 50m and it will be middlemanned by a support team member. Message me ingame (Bleezymeister) and the time will be set for the flip-off. Winner will pay support 5m for acting as the trusted middleman. GL!
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