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Everything posted by (BurBan)TOAD

  1. Just saying people would definately use that to their advantage, why not make it so no 1 is moved until the situation is neutralized? I feel Cops are money hungry, i play cop also so i know the feeling on a high bounty guy but damn.... I agree with you 100% wheat it happens alot, but im saying (IF THE COP MOVES HIM AND HE DOES DIE, THATS THE COPS FAULT, but IF THE GUY ISNT MOVING AND NO COP AROUND HIM AND HE DIES, THATS BLANTANT KILLING HIS SQUAD.)
  2. Last i checked go pro is part of rp lol. Also did you mention you shot me threw the door? Just Saying but all good. Just saying no rp.
  3. Done with the APD as far as fighting them, we dont get to rp with them anyway its imidiately to jail for us nowa days. So i think we are done with APD fights, besides jail breaks.
  4. Thats great but when there are literally 5 people there and all on each direction for instance at gang hideout. 1 on each hill and 1 in back and 1 by construction was how it was setup, being fired at (at night) also, there is no actual way to put your back to bullets. Just my opinion. Leave the person there, if hes shot its the civs fault on purpose, if you move him and he dies, COPS FAULT. Again my opinion but id love some ADMIN feedback.
  5. I agree but what i am saying is, For exmaple there was 5 (BurBan) Civs vs many cops, they would restrain 1 and take off running with them, obviously 300+ meter shots we will still fire, resulted in the civ dying getting hit with 1 bullet at 10hp. The cop was then able to hide, we move spots, the situation ended in many cop deaths and 4 of 5 of us dying to 100-300+ shots at 10hp. If you do escort you should atleast heal the person just saying, because as an officer you risk being fired at and if the civ is 10hp and a 7.62 round hits them, THEY DEAD. Just saying.
  6. Thanks man means a lot to (BurBan).
  7. Thanks man it means a lot to us. Have a great night buddy. IT WAS HELLA FUN BTW!!!!
  8. Thanks man i still feel like its the cops fault for moving them, but thanks for understanding we dont do anything intentional. We do not tolerate any kind of rule breaking. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
  9. I would like to make a point. Cops, find some guys with a high bounty the officer is getting fired at, He restrains a guy with a 1+ mill bounty and instantly starts escorting him to a car. Well people fire at the Officer and end up killing the restrained person, (10 health also since the cop doesnt however take the time to heal him). Then when situation is over and the people get away the cops instantly message saying we intended to kill the person so he didnt goto jail. Im sorry but I dont believe the Cop should escort the guy, Obviously im not going to shoot my guy because i wanna get him unrestrained and back into the fight, plus most of the time thats 180k+ of gear. If the Cop leaves the guy standing still and a guy shoots him thats blantant, and im strongly against this. But if you decided to move the restrained person then i believe the cop put him in danger for a (Bounty). I have heard it several times, hes worth 2 mill get him in the car and get him to HQ imediately. I think thats bs. Ever since persistant bounty cops have done this more and more. I play cop as well and have heard sergents tell a po or deputy get him in the car and to HQ while getting fired at. (Dont move the guy and he wont get shot, neutralize the situation and then move them, If you do move them and other people can fire at you then the Officer put their life in danger by moving them.) Common Sense. Just Saying. Wheatkings post on something else. Bat, on 07 Nov 2014 - 10:12 AM, said: I 1/2 agree. If you are individually threatened then you should drop the criminal find a place to hide where you can view your criminal and take out the bad guy stalking you. However, as an APD Officer you are responsible for the life of your prisoner. So if at any time their safety is threatened then need to be moved to a safe location.
  10. Can we go into more detail on what exactly "better weapons" and "Vehicles" we are going to be able to purchase with gang funds? The cartel Island sounds amazing but we would also like "Gang weapons and Gang Vehicles". Any information on this Jendrak or any Admins?
  11. Me whining? Im sorry if you took my post as whining, it was a genuine request for some new twists, that looked like it was getting positive feedback from people.
  12. Welp seems my post was pointless, i tried for us guys. Sorry.
  13. This guy^^ We love having fun, #McDilli4Chief
  14. Haterz these dayz.
  15. 5. Not to mention po's are supposed to be potential cops where as the corporals are actually cops. can you specify? I am confused i thought cops were just as much cops as corps. I thought Deputy was your proving ground.
  16. Now just the long hard wait for Mod/Admin Feedback.
  17. I could even see it where PO's only have M-900 so that way they cant fire while in the air.
  18. Dear Admins and people of Olympus, I have some ideas for this server that I would toss up and see what people think. I have put a lot of time in to what pros and cons would be to each. The first thing is Titans, Titans brought back, Titans should cost around 1 mill for a titan and rocket combined. Too many birds in the air, bring titans back and people will think twice about staying around when they get a
  19. Debit Cards, hmmm sounds like id be able to access their bank sounds Legit.
  20. Any eta on the new map?
  21. Most "cops" will allow you to keep them longer than 10 for rp, unless they need to go do something and really cant stay, but in that case i feel another "cop" should take his place. I have seen it many times when cops are told "these are my final demands or im going to shoot the hostage" , replies cop "lets try to change demands 2 more times" yes they fail rp all the time but nothing will be done about it.
  22. Last i checked warfare, i have the video of all the messages, we agreed on pink and the gh. Yall broke the deal. I have the video if you want it.
  23. I will say truck capacity will help, because donators trunk cap on a Mohawk is 560, and a Huron is 500.... REALLY WHAT DO $100 donators gain?
  24. #Snakeforlieutenant
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