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Doctor James

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Everything posted by Doctor James

  1. From what i understand and the people i have talked to regarding the Hummingbird, it will be released when the new maps are officially in on the game. Be patient friends they are coming back.
  2. Setting up them speed traps looking for RP fellaz

  3. Setting up them speed traps looking for RP fellaz

  4. well i guess happy turkey day or what ever, enjoy your food and drinks and have a good night fellerz

  5. well i guess happy turkey day or what ever, enjoy your food and drinks and have a good night fellerz

  6. well i guess happy turkey day or what ever, enjoy your food and drinks and have a good night fellerz

  7. McDili and myself had a pretty amazing rp last night ended up talking him into giving me 200k "because i couldnt afford it and was trying to break my friend out of jail because his mom had cancer and was robbing a guy for money" and lol it was pretty freaking amazing man
  8. i dont feel stupid and there most certainly should be if no one is online to take control of them... in combat if your team leader dies, bravo team takes control, if bravo team leader dies squad leader takes control in the event none of those are available who takes control the PSG (platoon sergeant) i know a rank structure and for you to assume that i dont have a grasp of how things are handled or should b handled are silly and unneeded, when there is no one there to control and direct the new players i most certainly should fall upon the corporal if no P.O is there and the Sergeant if no Corporal is there. and who is next take a guess, just keeps going up the chain. look i understand you may not agree with me but this is how it works in life and why not in a game or portraying life? it only makes sense. the absence of leadership should not be the refusal of leadership to take the place of those missing. I dunno i may have a different view point than should what actually happen but yall run your server as you see fit. What the fuck do i know any way im only a P.O just a useless dep with the ability to add charges right...
  9. Snake, Dealt with troubles such as bombardment of questions in real life deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan new soldiers actually risking their life i understand the stress i really do. All other personnel no offense intended just getting it out there i understand things go on that I am not apart of yet, and thanks to my previous post more than likely wont be, thanks to open opinion and observations. You guys aren't always there to do whats needed and often times don't catch what people who are looking up to "higher ups" look up to as with in real life and in a game most people do. Myself being one of them i learned most of what i needed to from my first Team Leader and Squad Leader. I don't expect you all to care/believe/nor give a shit what this has to do as i said before i expected it to be locked and swept aside much like a common RDM problem posted in the wrong area. To those of you upset, and offended...sorry to those of you seeing what happens sorry...and i guess to anyone else sorry or what ever.
  10. its not about that squall its about seeing 7 deputies together not having leadership while they "air patrol" around and the deputies awaiting someone coming in to help them along until then deps are stuck unable to advance in certain ways and it perpetuates until broken which thankfully i happen to see more and more P.Os doing now days because they see what has been happening and dont want their deps to fall behind.
  11. thats one case of people actually doing what is needing to be done, more often than not, its a ghost hawk pulled out and all of them riding around together. dont see snake doing to much gaming so much any more, trust me been removed from alot of channels just for "trying to find out" what is going on before i spawn god forbid some one not in the "click" joins up cupcake
  12. LMAO tek ha ha
  13. i figured it would be locked im not trying to bring negativity, but im just saying APD catches enough trouble as it is from civs as is, and EVERYone of the higher ups being in one channel air patrolling together doesnt help anyone advance they are higher up in the chain for a reason why not pass that knowledge on to people who dont quite have it instead of saying to hell with the lowers, just what it feels like and i hear it from P.O's and Corporals alike.
  14. http://imgur.com/QK2gG9Fjust saying
  15. So, i often play cop now so i can teach the new deputies, to avoid future crappy cops... most times upon logging in, i will see a P.O with a few deputies, maybe 2 P.O together, and then there is always that one channel....4 Corporals a sergeant or two...and all P.O not a deputy to be found....be disregard the deputies Alone on a different server chilling alone....while this goes UN attended, and then when they decide to disperse its EVERYONE else that needs to be reassigned not the 10 people that are above P.O playing together god forbid they just help to advance any one and help further their knowledge...there are a few exceptions as it is with everyone but i wont name names....as i am sure this post will go unliked as is.
  16. I have been a part of all 3 variations of the Olympus community since i started playing.... A civ...a Constable...and a Dispatch R&R. To often we catch people complaining of improper RP and failure to initiate RP and the only time it seems to come out is when said individual is on the losing end of a battle. You never hear people complaining about a RP when they walk away the victors. People claim to want an AMAZING RP that will just leave them in amazement that's very hard to accomplish when the cops show up and guns start blasting i have had a few incidents where i receive a text from the people doing it and ask for negotiations THAT'S when things can go right. But after getting busted criminals immediately cry wolf and do not wish to go any further than....bad RP you are a bad cop blah blah blah.. It is not strictly on cop either... While playing on my medic some guy requested medical attention i showed up "Sir don't go into the light im here sir everything will be OK DON'T DIE ON ME" usually when i revive someone they stand up saying thank you sir you are a great service ect ect. instead he got up extremely pissed that he lost 15k saying that i robbed him and he wanted his money back. to which he followed me for the better half of an hour screaming don't let this guy heal you he will take you money ect ect. i tried to steer it back towards RP with him and he just refused over 15k...i sent the money back and informed him regardless of the situation i would no longer be giving him medical attention after telling him this he went on a tangent of how horrible at RP i was....people come the hell on man....seriously come on....
  17. another glorious day for a cool glass of Southern Comfort, This Ones for You Olympus

    1. Deathtripper


      The grand old drink of the south

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