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About RaVeM4nn4t33

  • Birthday 08/22/2003

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
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    United States

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  1. https://gyazo.com/a5a280618a173dfb88844554a892ca3d DM me offers
  2. I think he has more than enough lmfao
  3. Effectively removed him from the event huh? admin revived him 30 seconds later and he played through the event. He broke a rule. therefore you should be taking disciplinary action. but your not gonna do that because none of the admins on this server perform that role correctly except for a select few. And you are not one of them. He also significantly undermined my event by disabling my tank before the event started. but no action will be taken against him right. Because its just a little rule break. And you wonder why the server is dying. You dont enforce the rules correctly @ CaloomClark Responds to that with a clown emoji because he doesnt wanna speak on why he doesnt enforce the rules just because it wasnt a "severe" rule break. Had he not done that. I would not be banned. Looks like he should have received disciplinary action when he broke the rule.
  4. Banning me but not banning someone else for the same rule break. Fishy. lawyered……
  5. So why isn’t he banned again? Seems he broke the same rule. Kinda fishy
  6. Seems as if he can get away with breaking the rules. Also seems as if your both in aegis. Crazy how that works. Care to talk about that @ Grandma Gary seems like there’s some fishy stuff going on here
  7. Real!! Please do. Id like to know if he was also banned for event disruption
  8. If it was your ban I wouldn’t have gotten a reduction at all. Your a shit admin
  9. Make it make sense. Tank event. Guy shoots my tank and disables it before the event starts. I kill him when he gets out of the tank. I receive a ban and he does not Ban was for event disruption btw. I think disabling my tank before the event starts would be disruption
  10. factual statement. he just took type03 ban from a 30 day to a 7. he just got off a fat ban a couple weeks ago. shits weird
  11. lets talk about my ban history. 2 bans in 6 years the latest being over a year and a half ago. and i did message him. he was not helpful whatsoever and actually was just a dick about the whole thing but cool pop off. and its not wasting my time. ive got plenty of time waiting for my ban to lift. you say next time just talk but that doesn't work when the admins dont give you the time of day to talk. last ban was over a year and a half and i submitted a ban appeal for a reduction and it got rejected in 4 minutes.
  12. Go read the Bohemia rules. They are very strict. Maybe a little too strict in some aspects but not in any of the ways that Olympus has gotten their 2 strikes
  13. Are you dumb. That’s is not what I said. I said the reason this server has 2 strikes is because of corrupt admins. Selling money etc. if admins continue corruption it’s only a matter of time till someone slips up and server goes bye bye
  14. This is Olympus. There are corrupt admins who don’t follow the rules. That’s why the server has one more strike with Bohemia before it’s gonzo Olympus… the pay to win server. Would be my title. The more you donate the more the admins overlook 1 day. And I was getting tasers and now I can’t
  15. youve said it all and half the words that youve said have been false. regardless my appeal should not have been handled by an admin in the same gang as them idgaf when the last time they played with them was. ppl get reduced bans or just unbanned for much worse rule breaks and you denied mine and refused to even reduce it in 4 minutes. i offered to pay comp to be unbanned even tho they lost absolutely nothing and still couldnt even get a reduction. this server is a joke, and your a joke you fucking retard
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