I need Snake to come here and TDTM while 99 because im so 420 right now i just have to look at pron. IPN while I TWD. But the end of every day is always the same, lil bit of CID and some good ole SUGARPIC
He made (if I remember) the first like 100 mil off of it? maybe like 70 idk.
All this talk of weed reminds me of the huge procs fight that got the house rules changed
APD was basically my life. Ya, I civved a bit/alot at times, but blue was in my veins since day one :s
As it stand, I am sadly not allowed on the APD on Olympus, maybe one day that will change.
Not a day goes by where I dont remember the fun times I had on Olympus
I may not be on the server often, but I am always active on the forums =D
Listen, he had snake in his hands, i saw snake and was like TARGET ACQUIRED, then i see poor lil D3V1L escorting him D: so i swerved and hit abunch of other people =D The gif really does it justice, it was dirty
X, I love you, but fugi is right. SAPD slots open and all the scum come crawling out when theyve been gone for 420 years. Its a sad truth, people see a position of power, want it, try for it, quit when they dont get it.