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Space Ranger

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Posts posted by Space Ranger

  1. 3 hours ago, Winters said:

    I never planned on making a post as there is a myriad of things that could be said. I’ll keep it short though. 

    As most of you will now know I have retired as the APD Chief of Police. It has certainly been an enjoyable and interesting journey in which I have experienced and learned a lot about the APD. I’d like to thank the APD for their dedication and support to the faction over the years enabling us to strive in taking the APD in the right direction. 

    I feel the APD is in an excellent position currently and I have the full confidence in the new APD Chief of Police Rexo further strengthening that position with the support of the APD. 

    Thank you all for the memories. 

    o7 , Although we have argued many times over many things, you helped bring the APD out of the gutter and churn out something better than you were given. Its bitter-sweet to see you go and I'm glad our certified role player @ Rexo  got the position he deserved! 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, nicole said:

    Lol, so it goes from I don't do anything to I do a lot because I have no life. You don't know anything about me and never will! You're just a delusional weirdo take more pictures of me being in the unit channel and see how far you get!

    not just pictures of you lol, you arent that important.

    Not sure where delusional came from, I am pretty anchored in reality unlike some people on olympus

    • Haha 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, nicole said:

    It's crazy how our roles are entirely different. Did you not see the part where I said that when I was a SGT, I had a minimum of 25 hours played every week and 70 OICs never once missed my times, missed my OICs needed, and never once missed a meeting as a SGT LT or CPT? I had the most OICs and time played out of every Senior APD member for 7 months straight.

    TLDR; Nicole has no life and its kings fault for having a life

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  4. 8 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:

    The fact that neither of these are close to the truth is just the cherry on top for me. You two, throughout every single APD/Aegis post just blatantly waffle. You believe what you want to, and just splurt it everywhere, pulling anything you can straight from your hole’s. It makes you both look like obsessed, hurt little boys. Good day, cretins

    idk bud it cant be as bad as being in every post riding dick, good thing they have you to downplay everything they do. Not sure where they would be without their little fan boys to follow them around. Crazy how when many different groups of people come together to show their disdain for certain people it just apparently "made up"

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Element_ said:

    that alone would get me a demotion but you got a slap on the wrist, actual clown behavior 

    lets not talk about winters allowing mako to hand out free promos to monster when hes not even sAPD even after having removed someone for giving an ADMINISTRATOR, not active apd, a rank in which they did not achieve

  6. 3 minutes ago, nicole said:

    No one carried me anywhere... lol. I had the most trainings when I got SGT and not a single -1 on my FTO app I had the most OICs and tests when I got CPT and LT!

    Like I mentioned , Its nice when the community manager gives you a solid recommendation that nobody can argue against cause he will through a tantrum. Go on and share your feedback on your FTO app

  7. 1 minute ago, nicole said:

    bet you have 0 screenshots of me as an FTO, SGT, or LT doing something like that, do you? Once again, I had the most OICs and time for 7 months straight no one did more than me! I would be in the trenches with the junior APD even the ones who refused to listen and would activiely just troll. I would put promo requests, I would be in EVERY meeting advocating for them (never missed a single one till Dep chief and even went to a meeting while I was in a different country and matter of fact I did a few tests on my iPad there too), and I would be fighting the most cancerous gangs believe it or not more cancerous than AEGIS!

    I bet you went through all of those positions in a matter of less than a 3 months, its easy having your boyfweind carry you up the ranks. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, nicole said:

    I have been there and done that! It's time for other people do it, I don't really enjoy playing the game as much these days and when I play I want to spend time with my friends as well. I also always try to play in public channels so people can join I don't really sit in unit channels lol. Either way, I am always able to be spoken to in group if anyone needs something.

    But its an Issues when a sgt with 400 days TiG gets burnt out from never progressing? Hypocrital much

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Element_ said:

    @ nicole  https://gyazo.com/87336732bbd33deea1b8232e594bc053

    Lead from the front not from the unit channel please and thank you!!!!!!!!

    "I make every effort to play with JrAPD"

    There can be 20 cops on and you still sit in locked channels with friends, you only play with Jr APD during feds liderally

    I think i have about 20 more showing the exact same thing on 20 separate occasions

  10. 5 minutes ago, nicole said:

    Here's the video: https://streamable.com/9ctuqx

    He was reading it word for word LOL!!!!!

    wow this half second clip shows him saying whitelist. You can obviously tell the full conversation lol

    This convo, between you and I, shows the difference between king and you as Leaders, King always reached out to individual officers regarding issues to correct and place them on the right path. I have only ever witnessed you seek punishment for fellow apd members.


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